Busy June for Forest Products Services

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Products Services had a busy start to the summer, hosting multiple workshops and meetings across the state.

During the first week of June, Forest Products Specialists Alex Anderson, Scott Lyon and Brian Zweifel taught three Wisconsin Local Use Dimension Lumber Grading Certification courses on three consecutive days to more than 70 participants. The class is geared toward members of the public interested in producing their own dimension lumber to build their dream home or to sell lumber they have milled to individuals planning to build.

Committee meeting in Wausau; June 2022

Wisconsin DNR Forest Products Specialist Scott Lyon welcoming attendees to the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance’s Forest Utilization and Marketing Meeting in Wausau.

The second week of June had the Forest Products Services program hosting several events, including this year’s Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance’s Forest Markets and Utilization meeting. This meeting brings together forest products utilization and marketing staff from 20 states within the Midwest and Northeast regions. This opportunity allows others to learn firsthand on regional issues and market opportunities to increase better utilization for sustainable forest management throughout the region.

Tour of Kretz Lumber in Antigo; June 2022

Troy Brown, President of Kretz Lumber in Antigo, providing overview of their operations to meeting attendees during the industry field tours.

Through presentations and field tours, Forest Products Services showcased Wisconsin’s forest resource and forward-thinking industry. Participants were able to see the primary and value-added side of the pulp and paper industry, as well as the solid wood products sector – the tours visited facilities sawing lumber, creating paper products, and crafting one-of-a-kind windows and doors. Additionally, during the week, Forest Products Services hosted – along with several other partner groups – a live-edge slab workshop in Grafton, Wisconsin. This one-day educational and networking workshop had 40 attendees. Brian Zweifel presented on sourcing logs for manufacturing slabs. Participants also learned about the business and operational skills needed to successfully operate a small sawmill business producing live-edge slabs for high-quality furniture.

Pakistani wood buyers; June 2022

Pakistani wood buyers thanking the Softwood Export Council for organizing an inbound trade mission to Wisconsin.

During week three of June, Scott Lyon and several Wisconsin forest products manufacturers met with Pakistani wood buyers in Green Bay during an inbound trade mission sponsored by the Softwood Export Council and the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. The event allowed Wisconsin’s manufacturers to learn about the wood species and requirements needed to export lumber to Pakistan. Most of the wood exported there is used for doors, mouldings and furniture manufacturing. The primary species exported from the United States to Pakistan include eastern white pine, red pine, southern yellow pine, ash and red oak.

The most recent event hosted was the National Firewood Workshop in Arlington, Wisconsin.

Firewood processing equipment

Firewood processing equipment demonstration during the National Firewood Workshop in Arlington.

This two-day event – in cooperation with several organizations – brought together arborists, loggers, sawmillers, and individuals looking to start firewood processing companies. Attendees were able to see live demonstrations of firewood-processing equipment in action. Scott Lyon and Brian Zweifel spoke on sourcing logs for production. The Forest Products program also exhibited at the 2022 Wisconsin Paper Council annual meeting, and Collin Buntrock participated as a member of the Build Back Better coalition. This coalition includes Wisconsin paper makers, loggers, forest product manufacturers, and educators wanting to reshape the forest products industry to meet new demands for sustainable packaging, climate change mitigation and promote sustainable forest management.

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