Submit an Urban Forestry Council Award Nomination Today!

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting nominations for the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council 2023 Awards until October 31, 2022.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council is responsible for advising the DNR on the best ways to preserve, protect, expand, and improve Wisconsin’s urban and community forest resources. Every year, the council presents annual awards to outstanding individuals, organizations, communities, and tribes that further urban forestry in Wisconsin. The awards are announced each year at the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference and are presented to winners in their community.

There are five categories of awards:

  • Next Gen recognizes an organization or individual working to inspire and educate the next generation of citizens engaged with their urban forests through projects, activities, and a variety of additional contributions.
  • Project Partnership recognizes outstanding projects that utilize partnerships as a means of providing services or benefits to the urban forest.
  • Lifetime Achievement recognizes outstanding contributions to urban forestry in Wisconsin demonstrated throughout a lifetime career.
  • Innovations in Urban Forestry recognizes a community, individual, association or organization exhibiting outstanding innovations in the development or enhancement of an urban forestry project or program.
  • Leadership recognizes an individual or elected official at the county or local level of government who has made an outstanding recent contribution to urban forestry in Wisconsin. This could be a mayor, alderman, county executive, or citizen, who has gone above and beyond in their support.

Further details and past recipients are listed here: Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council Annual Awards | Wisconsin DNR

Send nominations in a Word document to Kirsten Biefeld, DNR Urban Forestry Council Liaison, via email to: Nominations should be a maximum of two pages (not including attachments). Self-nominations are acceptable. When emailing, please use the nominee’s last name and “Urban Forestry Award Nomination” in the subject line.

Please include the following information and any additional factors you feel the award committee should know (limit of two pages or less, not including supporting documentation).

  1. Nominee name(s) (First and last names) or Contact person (first and last names) if nominee is a group or organization.
  2. Name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of the individual/organization, group or project being nominated.
  3. Project name, if applicable.
  4. Name(s), address(es) and phone numbers(s) of persons to be contacted regarding the nomination.
  5. A description of the merits of the nominee or the achievements of the project or partnership. Include the goals/objectives of the project and detail the outcome or impact the action had on the community. Why do you believe this nominee is deserving of the award? Feel free to attach any supporting documents that strengthen the nomination.
    1. Attach no more than 5 pages of supporting documents (i.e. newsletters, newspaper clippings, related articles, etc.)

The Awards Committee reserves the right to determine the best category with consent of the nominator. The DNR will publicize the awards and winners. By accepting an award, winners agree to allow DNR to release information and photos related to the nomination. Winners will be invited to a statewide awards ceremony and are encouraged to arrange local awards presentations at their discretion and choosing.

Nominations are due by October 31, 2022. For any questions, contact Kirsten Biefeld at or 608-640-6143. For more information, contact your Urban Forestry Regional Coordinator.

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