DNR Accepting Seedling Orders For Spring 2023 Starting Oct. 3

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will accept seedling orders from Wisconsin landowners for planting trees and shrubs in spring 2023 starting Oct. 3, 2022. The high-quality seedlings are native species appropriate for planting throughout Wisconsin and grown at the F.G. Wilson State Nursery in Boscobel.

Seedlings grown by the state nurseries are used for reforestation and conservation plantings on private, public and tribal lands. These seedlings can provide future forest products and revenues, wildlife habitat, soil erosion control, living snow fences, carbon sequestration, aesthetics and shade to landowners and managers in every county.

A minimum order consists of a packet of 300 trees or shrubs of the landowner’s choosing in increments of 100 of each species, 500 shrubs or 1000 tree seedlings. Youth groups and educational organizations can also purchase seedlings for their reforestation and conservation planting projects.

Conifer species available this year include white cedar, balsam fir, jack, red, and white pine, black and white spruce and tamarack. Hardwoods available include aspen, basswood, river and white birch, black cherry, butternut, hackberry, bitternut hickory, silver and sugar maple, bur, red, white and swamp white oak, sycamore and black walnut. Shrubs include buttonbush, chokecherry, red-osier and silky dogwood, common elderberry, hawthorn, American hazelnut, ninebark, American plum and common winterberry.

Some species are limited in supply, and we anticipate high demand. Please order early for the best chance to obtain these seedlings and provide a preferred replacement species or age class in case a species is sold out. If you are interested in knowing about the seedlings prior to purchase, refer to our stock descriptions for a description of seedling size and characteristics.

Customers may create an order using our online form found on this DNR webpage or by printing the order form, completing it and mailing it to:

Griffith State Nursery
473 Griffith Ave
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494. 

Customers may also contact any reforestation staff or a DNR forester who serves their area for personal assistance. This can include reforestation advice or even a planting plan. Printed copies of the order form are also available; call a local forester or nursery for details. All orders are batched and input into the ordering database every day, at random, regardless of how a customer orders (online, fax, mail, etc.). This process ensures that all customers, whether private landowners, groups or public land managers, have the same opportunity to get the seedlings they need. In years past, we have accepted phone orders; however, with the anticipated order volume and staff limitations, we are not accepting phone orders until October 17, 2022.

In addition to ordering online, customers can also find information related to current inventory, frequently asked questions, additional tree planting information and a listing of private nurseries.

For more information, contact Joe Vande Hey, DNR Reforestation Team Leader at Joseph.VandeHey@wisconsin.gov.

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