The DNR’s Division of Forestry recently welcomed three new members to the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council and said farewell to several members who contributed much to the Council.

Wisconsin DNR Division of Forestry thanks departing Urban Forestry Council members for their time and dedication to the council. Pictured above are August Hoppe (far left), Heather Berklund, Wisconsin State Forester (left middle), Gail Sumi (right middle) and Mark Freberg (far right).
The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council is an advisory committee to the DNR’s Division of Forestry, guiding the best ways to preserve, protect, expand and improve Wisconsin’s urban and community forest resources. The Council is comprised of 25 people appointed by the Secretary of the DNR. Members represent the diverse groups and interests that impact our state’s urban and community forests, including representatives from professional organizations, private business owners, educators, green industry employees, nonprofit/service organizations, governmental agencies, municipalities of various sizes, utilities, concerned and active citizens and trade organizations throughout the state.
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