Forest Health Team Offers Seven New Fact Sheets, Updates Website

A preview of the new Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Health fact sheet on spongy moth.

A preview of the new Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Health fact sheet on spongy moth. Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach/Communications Specialist, Fitchburg; or 608-335-0167

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Forest Health team has debuted seven new fact sheets, providing information on various forest insects and diseases as well as tips on how to deal with their emergence on your property.

The new fact sheets provide details on spongy moth, oak wilt management, spruce budworm, jack pine budworm, tamarack insects (larch casebearer and eastern larch beetle), red pine pocket decline and mortality and a comparison of common spring defoliator caterpillars (forest tent caterpillar, eastern tent caterpillar and spongy moth).

Additionally, the Forest Health team has updated and/or refreshed the look of its 13 existing fact sheets.

Links to those fact sheets and other information can be found through the Forest Health landing page on the Wisconsin DNR website. Frequent visitors may note that every Forest Health webpage also has been updated, with fresh editing, additional links and new information meant to ease the process of quickly locating specific information.

The Oak Wilt Management fact sheet is the largest of the new bunch at four pages, and serves as a complementary publication to the existing Oak Wilt In Wisconsin’s Forests fact sheet.

The other fact sheets deal with invasive and native insects that have caused problems in Wisconsin forests, with information on each insect’s biology, location and management directives.

All Forest Health fact sheets are now available online only, with high-resolution downloads available for visitors to read on their devices or print out.

The following list provides direct links to the new online fact sheets (along with their publication numbers to help with online searching). Links can also be found on the Forest Health Newsletters and Fact Sheets directory page, or on landing pages for specific insects and diseases.

Here is the list of existing (and revamped) Forest Health fact sheets:

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