DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Kim Sebastian Retires

Congratulations to Kim G. Sebastian as she begins her retirement this month. Kim has been with the DNR as Urban Forestry Coordinator since 1990. Read on to hear Kim reflect on her experience with the DNR and share some parting words.

After 32 years in the enviable position as a Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator, I will be retiring on Aug. 1, 2023, from a dream job I love, with colleagues I love even more. I’ve been incredibly blessed to learn, smile and serve every day and to call hundreds of strangers now friends. Thank you for accompanying me on this career journey and helping build one of the most incredible forestry programs in the country. Thank you for having faith in me back in 1990.

We work in a noble profession, and we are our greatest allies, supporters, teammates, experts, artists, scientists, teachers and cheerleaders. My hope for you is that you’re safe, healthy, curious and you continue to GO M.A.D. (Make A Difference). As for me, I’ll be supporting people with Lyme disease and integrating my knowledge of nature, health and healing into an energy practice to promote personal wellness. It’s been an honor. You always have a forester friend in the Milwaukee area, come visit the blue and the green here!

Gratefully yours, Kim.

DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Olivia Witthun is currently covering southeast Wisconsin. You can reach her at Olivia.Witthun@wisconsin.gov or 414-750-8744.

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