Weed Management Area Grant Deadline Nears

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center;
Erika.SegersonMueller@wisconsin.gov or 715-492-0391

Controlling invasive plants on your forested property can be a challenging and costly endeavor. The Weed Management Area – Private Forest Grant Program (WMA-PFGP) helps make this process easier for its recipients. Though the April 1 application deadline is quickly approaching, there is still time to apply for funding for your forest.

Photo showing volunteers at a garlic mustard-pulling event on the Montreal River in Iron County.

Volunteers at a garlic mustard-pulling event on the Montreal River in Iron County, part of a control project planned by a previous WMA-PFGP recipient. / Photo Credit: Ramona Shackleford, Northwoods Cooperative Weed Management Area

A two-year grant program, the WMA-PFGP is for eligible weed management groups and often for cooperative invasive species management areas (CISMAs). The program assists these groups in addressing invasive plants directly through inventory, control and monitoring, and indirectly through education and outreach efforts.

For a refresher on what CISMAs do and how to find your local group, check out the recent Forest Health newsletter article on CISMAs. You can also check out the CISMA partnership document for an overview of each group.

CISMAs often apply for these grants on behalf of several landowners and may have cost-sharing programs available. If your county does not currently have a CISMA, you can form a weed management group to apply for a grant. Eligible weed management groups must have at least three members, and at least one must be a landowner with 500 acres or less of non-industrial, private forest land on which the grant practices will be implemented.

Previous WMA-PFGP projects have included manual control of invasives, contracted control using machinery, herbicides and goat grazing and many outreach and educational programs.

Find the complete application materials, FAQs and more information on the Weed Management Area program on the WMA-PFGP webpage.

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