Dale and Cathy Paulson, land stewards and 2017 Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year
The Wisconsin Tree Farm Committee invites you to attend their 2018 Annual Field Day on Saturday, August 11 2018 in Bayfield County in northwest Wisconsin.
Take a 3-hour walking tour of young forest habitat, regenerating woodlands and successional forest along a trout stream as you stroll Dale and Cathy Paulson’s 131-acre tree farm. On this property the Paulsons harvest saw logs and pulpwood, protect the trout stream, keep bees, garden and create works of art in their woodworking shop. Return to the Town of Bell Community Center in Cornucopia, WI for lunch, natural resources displays and programs, and silent auction.
Registration is required and covers lunch, refreshments, bus transportation to and from the Community Center in the Town of Bell, and a field tour booklet. Cost: $20/person, $30/couple. For more information and to register visit this site.