My Wisconsin Woods Values Your Woodlands

YOUR WOODS can be a source of food for your family.
OR your favorite hunting ground.
OR even create a source of income!

Whatever you value most, your woods are your gateway to the outdoors. Whether you own several hundred acres or just enough to take a short walk, sustainably managing your woodland is important. The best part is you don’t have to do it alone. My Wisconsin Woods, a public, private partnership serving woodland owners across the state, has launched a comprehensive landowner portal to connect you with natural resource professionals, forestry events in your area, and free information and materials. Recently released is a video series for landowners who are curious about what forestry benefits might exist or have nagging concerns. This series was made possible through the generous support of the Ruffed Grouse Society and David Moore with production and content provided by the Department of Natural Resources, Aldo Leopold Foundation and Driftless Area Land Conservancy.

So let’s go exploring …

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