Sustainable Forestry Initiative Urban Forest Improvement Grant Application Now Open

The Urban Forest Improvement Program, funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and the USDA Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program, provides grants to help organizations benchmark their urban or community forests against the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard.

These grants support the assessment of current management practices, offering valuable insights into how sustainably these forests are managed and a roadmap of opportunities for improvement. Continue reading “Sustainable Forestry Initiative Urban Forest Improvement Grant Application Now Open”

Managing Veteran Trees In The Urban Environment

By Elton Rogers, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator; or 414-294-8675 and Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist; or 608-445-4578

Veteran trees, also known by some as heritage trees, loom large in our imagination. If you have an image of a large, gnarly oak in your head, you’re on the right track. These are the trees that, according to the International Society of Arboriculture, are of exceptional cultural, landscape or nature conservation value. They are vitally important and deserve management attention to keep them on the landscape whenever practical. Continue reading “Managing Veteran Trees In The Urban Environment”

Fourth Grade Arbor Day Orders Now Available

Do you remember when you were in fourth grade? Did you receive a tree seedling to plant for Arbor Day?

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) nurseries have been giving away free seedlings to celebrate Arbor Day since 1984 – over two million seedlings across the state. Every fourth-grade student in Wisconsin is eligible to receive a free tree seedling from DNR nurseries to complement Arbor Day celebrations. Continue reading “Fourth Grade Arbor Day Orders Now Available”

Forest Products Grants Announced

A man wearing a yellow hard hat and safety glasses measures a piece of wood in a lumberyard with stacks of wood in the background.During National Forest Products Week, the USDA Forest Service announced it is making nearly $34 million in funding available through its Wood Innovations, Community Wood and Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance grant programs. The Forest Service is seeking proposals that support crucial links between resilient, healthy forests, strong rural economies and jobs in the forestry sector. Funding for these programs is intended to spark innovation, create new markets for wood products and renewable wood energy and expand processing capacity. You can read the full news release on the Forest Service’s website.

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Forest Health Staff Public Appearance Set

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Health team leader Becky Gray will discuss invasives during a presentation to the Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium, set for Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Havenwoods State Forest in Milwaukee. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

Forest Health team leader Becky Gray has planned an appearance at a public meeting of the Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium (SEWISC). She’ll give a presentation covering invasives on a statewide level.

The event will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N. Hopkins St., Milwaukee, WI. More information is available on the SEWISC website.

Check Conifers For Invasive Adelgids

Photo showing white, cottony hemlock woolly adelgid egg sacs on a hemlock branch.

White, cottony hemlock woolly adelgid egg sacs on a hemlock branch. / Photo Credit: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

By Michael Hillstrom, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Fitchburg;

Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) and balsam woolly adelgid (BWA) are invasive, aphid-like insects that cause tree mortality in North America. Neither has been found in Wisconsin so far, but they are likely to arrive at some point, as they have been confirmed in Michigan.

HWA (Adelges tsugae) is an invasive, sucking insect pest of hemlock trees. The white, cottony egg sacs of HWA can be seen on the undersides of hemlock branches at the base of needles year-round. HWA saliva enters the tree while feeding. The saliva is toxic and causes needle drop and twig dieback, progressing to tree mortality in 4-10 years.

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Heterobasidion Root Disease Found In Door County

Two photos of the same spot on a tree in Door County, showing Heterobasidion root disease fruiting bodies (left) and the basal wound beneath them (right).

Two photos of the same spot on a tree in Door County, showing Heterobasidion root disease fruiting bodies (left) and the basal wound beneath them (right). / Photo Credits: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

By Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Oshkosh; or 920-360-0942

Heterobasidion root disease (HRD), formerly known as annosum root rot, was recently found in Door County for the first time.

In mid-September, several suspected HRD fruiting bodies were spotted in a white spruce plantation on privately owned land in the town of Sevastopol. One cluster of fruiting bodies located at the base of a dead spruce was confirmed as Heterobasidion irregulare, the fungal pathogen that causes HRD. The other fruiting bodies were identified as a native decay fungus that has a similar appearance.

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Larry Krueger Shares Insights From Forest Products Industry Career

Photo credit: Larry Krueger.

The people who make Wisconsin’s forest products industry function are vast and varied. It’s estimated that more than 123,000 jobs in the state are tied to the forest industry. From the foresters and woodland owners caring for the forest to the loggers and truckers getting the logs from the forest to the sawmills and pulp mills throughout the state to the workers creating finished wood and paper products, it takes a wealth of passionate people to produce the many forest products you depend on every day.

Larry Krueger, a co-owner and sawmill manager of Krueger Lumber, is one of those working in the heart of Wisconsin’s forest products industry – fitting, as Krueger said he was born into it.

“My father Herb Krueger started Krueger Lumber in 1969,” Krueger continued. “The more you see the beautiful, natural products from our forest, the more you grow to love and appreciate its beauty.”

In his role, Krueger wears many hats. His day at the mill begins at 6:15 a.m. with a hard hat as he tours the sawmill to ensure smooth operations.

“I speak to various workers at different production points, checking for any problems and to see what’s new. I walk from the sawmill to the dry kilns and warehouses. I stop at the different lumber grading areas, speaking to the graders about any questions or issues they are seeing in the kiln-dried lumber being re-graded for quality,” he said.

Selling kiln-dried lumber is one of Krueger’s top priorities; after ensuring everything is running smoothly, he trades in his hard hat for a sales pitch.

“Throughout the rest of the day, I speak with and email regular and potential customers,” Krueger said. Continue reading “Larry Krueger Shares Insights From Forest Products Industry Career”