ATC Offers Funding For Planting And Pollinator Habitat Projects

Recognizing that trees and vegetation are among the features that make communities special places for residents and visitors, American Transmission Company (ATC) will continue to offer funding for planting projects in communities in its service area through its Community Planting and Pollinator Habitat programs.

The Community Planting Program provides financial support to eligible cities, villages, towns, counties and tribes in ATC’s service area for planting projects on public property, outside transmission line rights-of-way.

The Pollinator Habitat Program provides funding for site preparation; purchasing seed, plugs or plants; labor and installation; or other activities to establish quality pollinator habitat. Unlike the Community Planting Program, the Pollinator Habitat Program promotes planting low-growing vegetation within a transmission line right-of-way.

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The Dangers And Costs Of Infested Ash Trees

Credit: Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service,

The emerald ash borer (EAB) will kill nearly all of Wisconsin’s ash trees that are not protected by insecticides. To help the public understand why it’s important to act against EAB, the DNR created a publication aimed at homeowners that addresses the dangers and costs of infested ash trees. Urban forestry professionals may wish to share this flyer with those who ask questions on these topics.

The key message of the publication is this: It’s crucial to decide ASAP whether to protect your ash trees with insecticides or have them removed. Either way, time is of the essence. If you delay in treating your ash trees, the treatment may be less effective. And if you wait to remove them, removal costs will be greater and safety hazards will only get worse.

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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant Program Request For Applications

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service is now requesting applications for the Fiscal Year 2021 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Grant Program. The USDA anticipates that up to $5.4 million in new funds will be available for reforestation, ecosystem restoration and forest health improvement in the Great Lakes Basin through an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

This year, the USDA is announcing and awarding funding through two grant opportunities at the same time: 1) Cooperative Weed Management Areas and 2) Forest Restoration.

Submit applications by 6 p.m. EST on July 8 in through two separate Requests for Applications:

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Municipal Forestry Institute

The Municipal Forestry Institute (MFI) is a week-long, high-level training opportunity to educate people in the leadership and managerial aspects of urban forestry. Urban forestry professionals from across the county will come together for a week-long intensive educational program that delivers a challenging opportunity to grow a more successful community tree program. Learn and master leadership and management tools of program administration, coalition building, strategic thinking, program planning and public relations. 

MFI 2021 will be held Sept. 26-Oct. 1 in Bowling Green, Ohio. 

To learn more and to register, visit this webpage.

Eau Claire And Richland Counties Now Added To The Gypsy Moth Quarantine

By Andrea Diss Torrance, Invasive Insects Program Coordinator,, 608-516-2223

Gypsy moth has moved slowly across Wisconsin in the last 30 years since gaining a foothold in the counties along Lake Michigan. This month, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) determined that the invasive pest has become established in Eau Claire and Richland counties and have extended the quarantined area to include them.  This is the first time since 2015 that new counties have been added to the quarantine. Fifty-two of Wisconsin’s 72 counties are now quarantined for gypsy moth.

Wisconsin Gypsy Moth Quarantined Counties

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Oak Wilt Seasonal Harvesting Opportunities Web Map

By Paul Cigan, DNR Forest Health Specialist

The Forest Health Team has just launched an interactive web map showing areas where seasonal oak harvesting opportunities and restrictions exist within the state. The map provides users with general geographical information on the presence and seasonality of oak wilt restrictions to support decisions concerning the application of the Oak Harvesting Guidelines [PDF] during timber management planning and establishment. As a highlight, areas that favor flexibility in the application of the seasonal harvesting restrictions — based on the nearest known detection of oak wilt — are displayed on the map. If you have any questions about this map, please contact your regional Forest Health specialist.

Oak Wilt Seasonal Harvesting Opportunities Web Map

New Factsheets And Webpage Now Available

By Elly Voigt, DNR Forest Health Lab Technician.

The Wisconsin DNR’s Forest Health Team has recently released four new factsheets and a new webpage. The new factsheets are on the following topics:

Armillaria root disease

Beech bark disease

Peach bark beetle and cherry scallop shell moth

Hemlock woolly adelgid

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Forest Health Factsheet

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Updated Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Guides Now Available

By Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Oshkosh. or 920-360-0942

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension has recently updated two insecticide guides for those interested in treating high-value ash trees against emerald ash borer (EAB). One guide lists options for homeowners and the other lists options for tree-care professionals. Download the guides here.

First page of the homeowner guide to EAB insecticide treatments.

First page of the homeowner guide to EAB insecticide treatments.

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Keep An Eye Out For Beech Leaf Disease

By Elly Voigt, DNR Forest Health Lab Assistant, Fitchburg

Beech leaf disease (BLD) is a destructive disease affecting beech trees in the U.S. The disease has not yet been observed in Wisconsin, but it could become an issue in the future in the eastern third of the state, which is the edge of the American beech’s native range.

Figure 1. Symptomatic banding on beech foliage, as well as asymptomatic leaves. Photo: Ohio State University Extension

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It’s Camping Season! Where Can I Get Firewood?

By Andrea Diss-Torrance, DNR Invasive Forest Insects Program Coordinator,, 608-516-2223

Most people know that using locally-sourced firewood helps prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases. What may be less well known are the processes for finding local sources of firewood or learning where and how you can collect it yourself.

A set of images showing an oak wilt spore pad, an emerald ash borer beetle emerging from a tree and a gypsy moth caterpillar on a leaf.

In Wisconsin, oak wilt, emerald ash borer, gypsy moth and several other invasive pests and diseases are moved in or on firewood. During the camping season, these pests can emerge from transported wood to attack trees at the camper’s destination. Photo credit: Wisconsin DNR, MJ Raupp Bugwood, WDNR

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