Financial help

Financial assistance is available for controlling invasive species.

Looking for a financial assist in your efforts to control invasive species?

The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council website lists 61 different grant opportunities that are available from Federal and State agencies as well as private foundations. The list is searchable by applicant (tribe, government agency, company, non-profit, individual) and type of invasive organism (plant, animal, aquatic, invertebrate, disease). All but one has a link that takes you to more information or a contact person.

Why not take a few moments to explore these opportunities?

Written by: Michael Putnam, invasive plants program specialist, Madison (, 608-266-7596.

EAB mitigation grants support communities

The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission (RPC), in partnership with WI DNR and two other Wisconsin RPCs, awarded $82,450 to nine Wisconsin communities for projects to mitigate the impacts of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).  Grant funds will support planting nearly 700 diverse trees to help local governments prepare and recover from EAB.  The grant awards ranged from $2,400 to $20,000, with recipients providing at least a 25% match of the total project. This funding was made available through a U.S. Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GRLI) grant received by Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission earlier this year.

For more information contact Ellen Clark (, Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.

Apply for 2016 Great Lakes grant

The U.S. Forest Service has announced that they are accepting proposals for potential grant funding. There are $575,000 in new funds that are available for Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMA) in the Great Lakes Basin. The deadline for approval is January 6, 2017 at The goal of the program is to detect, prevent, eradicate and/or control invasive plants to promote diverse benefits on Federal, State or private land. Continue reading “Apply for 2016 Great Lakes grant”

Grants to address urban wildlife damage

The Wisconsin DNR is currently accepting applications for the Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control grant. This grant gives financial assistance to urban communities, as defined in s.86.196(1)(c), Wis. Stats., for the development of long-term solutions to decrease damage created by wildlife, namely white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. The financial assistance provided is a 50-50 reimbursement up to a maximum of $5,000. This grant can help urban parks and forests in municipalities prone to the effects of wildlife. The deadline for applications submission, and other necessary documents, is December 1, 2016.  If you have questions regarding the grant or how to apply visit the Urban Damage Abatement and Control  page on the DNR website. Continue reading “Grants to address urban wildlife damage”

Grants to strengthen fire suppression in 196 communities

Fire departments in 196 Wisconsin communities will receive a total of $645,487 in grants from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Fire Protection Grant Program in 2016. The funding can be used for equipment, prevention, and training to enhance forest fire protection and suppression ability.  This grant program was established in 1997 to strengthen the capacity of local fire departments and county or area fire organizations to assist the DNR forestry staff in suppression of forest fires. Here’s a complete list of 2016 FFP grant recipients [PDF].  Read more in this news release or on the DNR website, keyword grants.

For more information, contact Chris Klahn (, DNR cooperative fire control specialist, 608- 297-2214.

Wildfire risk reduction applications due Oct 15

2015 curbside chipping project in Germantown, WI

High fire risk communities are eligible to receive grant funds for projects to reduce ‘fuels,’ such as this brush chipping project in Juneau County.

Between July 15 and October 15, WDNR staff and our partners in fire management are able to submit Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) project applications. A packet of application materials, which includes guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions and the application, were emailed to WDNR Area Forestry Leaders, Wildland Urban Interface Specialists and State Forest Supervisors July 1 for wider distribution through their local networks. Continue reading “Wildfire risk reduction applications due Oct 15”