Financial help

Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement And Control Grants

Photo credit: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station,

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting applications for Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control (UWDAC) grants. UWDAC grants are available to any town, city, village, county or tribal government located within an urban area. For a complete list of eligible urban areas, click here.

Applications must be received on or before Dec. 1, 2021.

UWDAC grants help urban areas develop wildlife plans, implement specific damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. Eligible projects include:

  • Developing an urban wildlife population control plan
  • Monitoring wildlife populations and establishing population estimates
  • Removing deer using sharpshooters as part of a DNR-approved project

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New Funding Opportunity: People, Parks And Power

A new national initiative will provide $7 million in funding for community-based organizations to work on park equity and racial justice.

People, Parks and Power (P3) focuses on supporting community-based organizations to build power to take on the policies, institutional practices and power dynamics that produced park inequities in the first place. P3 seeks to fund local-level, community-driven initiatives to work on issues such as public finance measures for parks and green infrastructure, assessments of park needs and inequities, joint use policies to open school grounds for recreational use, land use policies that facilitate equitable access to parks and green space, community engagement units within government agencies and anti-displacement protections, among others.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will award grants of up to $500,000 over a 24-month grant period. Awards will be made to up to 14 sites, and the Foundation reserves the right to make more awards should additional funding be made available.

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DNR Opens Additional Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant Application Period

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has opened an additional application period for Knowles-Nelson Stewardship grants to eligible nonprofit conservation organizations (NCOs). These grants help fund the acquisition of land.

Applications are due Friday, Nov. 19, 2021 for the following subprograms:

  • Natural area grants 
  • Habitat area grants
  • Stream bank protection grants
  • State trail grants

The DNR will consider all complete applications received or post marked by Nov. 19. Any organization considering a fall application should contact the regional project manager before applying. Acquisitions that will require multiple appraisals or a more comprehensive review may be deferred until the 2023 funding cycle, which opens in early spring 2022. 

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Pandemic Assistance for Timber Haulers Closing Soon

In July, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture announced a Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers (PATHH) program to address losses due to COVID-19. The $200 million fund was opened on July 22 and closes on October 15 of this year and is being administered by the Farm Service Agency in conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service. Visit this link for more information.

A Reminder that the Application Deadline is Coming Up for 2022 Urban Forestry Grants!

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2022 Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Grant! The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy and the benefits it provides.

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DNR Catastrophic Storm Grant Application Now Open

Credit: Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service,

On Thursday, July 29, Governor Evers issued Executive Order #128, declaring a State of Emergency due to severe weather across the state of Wisconsin. This has triggered the opening of the DNR Urban Forestry’s Catastrophic Storm Grant program for communities, counties, tribal governments and 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for funding. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 27.

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DNR Offering Surface Water Grant Funding

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Surface Water Grant Program is accepting applications from eligible organizations to support projects that protect and restore Wisconsin waterbodies.

More than $6 million is available to provide cost-sharing grants to support projects in the following areas:

  • Education, outreach and organization development
  • Planning for lakes, rivers and watersheds
  • Lake protection planning and implementation
  • Restoration of surface water, shorelands and wetlands
  • Management plan implementation
  • Aquatic invasive species prevention and control
  • Land acquisition/conservation easements

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2022 DNR Urban Forestry Grant Application Now Open

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2022 Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Grant!

The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals to increase the urban forest canopy and its benefits.

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USDA COVID-19 Assistance For Timber Harvesters And Haulers

On Tuesday, July 20, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it would provide up to $200 million in relief funds for timber harvesting and timber hauling businesses that have experienced losses due to COVID-19.

Loggers and truckers can apply for assistance from July 22 through Oct. 15, 2021. To be eligible for the assistance money, timber harvesting and hauling businesses must have experienced a gross revenue loss of 10% or more between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, 2020, compared to the period of Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 2019.

A further explanation of the available financial assistance, complete with program details and application instructions, can be found on the USDA’s website.