
Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council meeting

Council group photo MNThe Urban Forestry Council held their most recent quarterly meeting on October 13 at The Oxbow Hotel in Eau Claire. This was the second time the Wisconsin Council met with their colleagues in Minnesota, board members from the Minnesota Shade Tree Advisory Committee and MN DNR urban forestry staff. In addition, they were joined by Urban Forestry Council members from several additional states: Indiana, Iowa, and Michigan. The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council and Wisconsin DNR were pleased to welcome these urban forestry representatives from the region for the meeting. Continue reading “Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council meeting”

2017 Urban and Community Forestry Questionaire

This month, nearly 700 communities across the state will receive a request in the mail to complete a questionnaire for an important project to determine the current management of community tree populations in Wisconsin.  The study is being jointly conducted and sponsored by the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Urban & Community Forestry Program, and the USDA Forest Service.  It serves to provide important information for the state program since the last community survey in 2008 and as a student project at UW – Stevens Point.

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Conversations about the Wisconsin Community Tree Map

The following article was written by Elizabeth Dierickx, Marketing Specialist at Plan-It Geo, LLC, based on conversations she has had with DNR staff members.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist and Laura Lorentz, DNR Urban Forestry Policy & Partnership Specialist to talk about Wisconsin’s new Community Tree Map. This exciting tool has brought a lot of new excitement and opportunity to the states community forests; the Community Tree Map has the potential to assists the urban forestry team in developing policies based on data driven analysis, has given them a better tool to make recommendations, and helped to create awareness about the urban forest with community members and decision makers. Continue reading “Conversations about the Wisconsin Community Tree Map”

Minnesota DNR Urban Forestry visits Wisconsin

staff memebers on capitol parkThe Urban Forestry team hosted Valerie McClannahan from the Minnesota DNR on September 25th and 26th.  Valerie was particularly interested in our Urban Forest Assessment program, the urban wood industry in Wisconsin, and general programmatic items.  During her visit, we highlighted the Wisconsin Community Tree Map and the Capital Park inventory, our UFIA program, our canopy assessment project, and the urban homeowner survey.  She is interested in how Minnesota can leverage some of their existing work and incorporate some of the additional pieces we are developing for statewide assessments.  Continue reading “Minnesota DNR Urban Forestry visits Wisconsin”

Urban Forestry Council awards

Each year, city tree champions from throughout Wisconsin are recognized for outstanding community service

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council invites citizens to nominate local individuals and organizations to be recognized for their efforts to protect, preserve and increase the number of trees that line city streets, fill community parks and beautify neighborhoods throughout the state.

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WAA Summer Conference

Join the WAA (Wisconsin Arborist Association) for their Summer Conference and Picnic at the Lussier Family Heritage Center in Madison on Tuesday, August 15th. The Program Committee has put together another excellent lineup for this event. They are offering Two Tracks of Education, one indoors and one outdoors, including information for climbers, plant selection, and insect and disease information. There will be something for everyone. Continue reading “WAA Summer Conference”