Urban wood

From Decaying Park To A Vision For Tomorrow: The Story Of Mauston’s Living Food Pantry

By Randy Reeg, former City Administrator, Mauston

The city of Mauston (Juneau County, Wisconsin) is a small rural city of just under 4,500 people, situated along the I-90/94 corridor in central Wisconsin. Despite having a highly successful local manufacturing economy, a regional medical center and being situated in heavily trafficked regional tourist destination area, Mauston and Juneau County both have lower than average incomes and high levels of poverty. The region is one of Wisconsin’s rural food deserts, and the local food pantry, the Community Sharing Pantry, plays a crucial role in fighting local hunger.

The city of Mauston has seven public parks, and like in most other communities, the amenities, popularity and usage of each park differs greatly. Marachowsky’s Park is an approximately 2-acre mini park located on the city’s west side. It had historically contained a youth baseball field, a picnic shelter, playground equipment and public restrooms. Following the summer of 2019, Mauston’s Summer Recreation Director at the time advocated for the relocation of the youth baseball field to a different park for logistical purposes, including the muddy and mosquito-ridden conditions. The Parks & Recreation Board and City Council both agreed, and by summer of 2020, youth baseball was no longer an activity at Marachowsky’s Park.

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Free Data Collection Applications For Tree Inventories

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist, Milwaukee, Daniel.Buckler@wisconsin.gov or 608-445-4578

Tree inventories seem like such simple enterprises. Their purpose, essentially, is to determine what trees are growing where, in what shape they’re in and how big they are.

But to do them well requires expertise in arboriculture, proficiency with data collection and familiarity with GIS. And, of course, time. This is why many organizations turn to consulting arborists and foresters to conduct inventories and write management plans – they have that expertise and experience to see those projects through.

However, for some smaller or specialty projects, an organization may decide to collect tree data itself. For these efforts, a list of free digital data collection applications is available on the DNR website.

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Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement And Control Grants

Photo credit: USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Bugwood.org

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now accepting applications for Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control (UWDAC) grants. UWDAC grants help urban areas develop wildlife plans, implement specific damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. 

UWDAC grants provide a 50% cost share with a maximum award of $5,000. The grant is available to any town, city, village, county or tribal government located within an urban area. Check out the complete list of eligible urban areas.

Grant eligible expenses include:

  • Developing an urban wildlife population control plan
  • Monitoring wildlife populations and establishing population estimates
  • Removing deer using sharpshooters as part of a DNR approved project
  • Trapping deer and geese
  • Implementing managed hunts
  • Removing resident Canada geese by approved DNR methods
  • Performing required health and tissue sampling
  • Processing, distributing or disposing of geese or deer to a charitable organization
  • Modifying habitat
  • Implementing any other wildlife control or damage abatement practices approved by the DNR

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One Million Trees Now In Wisconsin Community Tree Map

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist, Milwaukee, Daniel.Buckler@wisconsin.gov or 608-445-4578 

Ever since it launched in 2017, the Wisconsin Community Tree Map has been building a collective inventory of urban trees across the state. Now a milestone has been passed: over one million trees are in the database, giving users an expansive look at much of our urban forest.

Visitors to the tree map, a compilation of tree inventories from over 200 organizations, can use the tool to learn more about their local trees, such as species composition, size distribution, or even some of the ecosystem services those trees provide. Users can filter by certain attributes or areas to further identify trees of interest. Overall, it can be a powerful management, scientific, marketing and educational tool.

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Young Tree Training Pruning Workshops

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and UW-Madison Extension have teamed up to offer young tree training pruning workshops at five locations around the state. Wachtel Tree Science will be presenting the information in a morning-indoors-afternoon-outside format. The cost is $35 including lunch, and ISA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered. 

Set your trees up to thrive and help alleviate storm damage by properly pruning your trees when they’re young. It’s an excellent investment of resources providing exponential savings in the future.

Please register ASAP as these start in just a couple weeks.

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Request For Urban Forestry Council Award Nominations

The 2023 Urban Forestry Council Award winners. From left to right: John Wayne Farber, Leadership Award; John Gall, Lifetime Achievement Award; Cory Gritzmacher, receiving the Innovation Award on behalf of the Mequon Nature Preserve.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council, comprised of municipal employees, elected officials, nursery operators, and arborists, advises the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s Division of Forestry on the best ways to manage urban and community forest resources.

Every year, the council bestows several awards to recognize and thank individuals, organizations, communities and tribes across Wisconsin for their work and commitment to the trees, plantings, habitat and economic benefits they provide. The awards are announced at the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference in February and presented to winners in their community.

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Reminder: 2023 DNR Urban Forestry Grant Applications Open

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2023 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban Forestry Grant.

The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy and the benefits it provides.

The recent Governor’s 2023-25 Biennial Budget increased funding to urban forestry grants by $350,000 over the biennium. In 2024, the annual allotment will increase by $175,000 to further fund Urban Forestry projects. Also available this grant cycle is an additional $145,000 in federal funding to be used for emerald ash borer treatment and ash tree removals and replacements. In total, $806,680 is currently available in regular and startup grant funding for 2024, with an additional $139,920 in reserve for catastrophic storm grants.

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DNR Releases Statewide Drought Resource Webpage

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently launched a Drought Resource webpage as a new public source for information related to the drought conditions experienced by most of the state this year. 

The new webpage gives viewers access to current drought conditions across Wisconsin, helpful resources from various DNR programs and other state and national resources regarding drought conditions. Visitors to the webpage can also find tips for conserving water and information about accessing water during a drought based on their specific water use needs.

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Encourage Student Success With Trees In Your Neighborhood

By Olivia Witthun, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator, Plymouth, Olivia.Witthun@wisconsin.gov or 414-750-8744

September is back to school month. How do you get those kids to settle down and focus after three months off? The answer is as simple as walking right outside your front door! Exposure to nature has been shown to positively impact students, from improved academic performance and focus, to reduced Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms. 

Research has demonstrated that exposure to nature during school hours is positively associated with academic performance, including standardized test scores, graduation rates and plans to attend a four-year college. Among girls, greener views from home increase the ability to concentrate and foster self-discipline, which enables them to perform better in school. 

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Career Opportunity: Seeking Applicants For Southeast WI Urban Forestry Coordinator

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Division of Forestry is seeking applicants for an Urban Forestry Coordinator (Forestry Specialist classification). This position will be headquartered in either Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Walworth or Waukesha counties, depending on workspace availability. Remote work is also available for a portion of the workweek after initial onboarding period.

Position Summary

The Urban Forestry Coordinator develops, administers and implements the urban forestry assistance program in partnership to maintain or increase public and private urban forest canopy that will supply the full array of benefits. This position is the technical expert and thought leader for the Division in this Urban Forestry service area, setting the pace for the Division through leadership, innovation, adaptation, best practices, and transfer of knowledge.

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