Nominate individuals for arborist recognition

Every year several awards are presented by the Wisconsin Arborists Association (WAA) to various citizens and partners dedicated to improving Wisconsin’s urban forests and supporting the work of WAA. Wisconsin DNR’s Urban Forestry program is a co-sponsor of their annual meeting/conference each February (bookmark this site and check back for 2017 conference details). Every year WAA presents their awards and nominations at this conference. Nomination Forms are now available. Please return to Randy Krouse by December 16, 2016.

The Richard Rideout Distinguished Service Award is one of many awards presented. The Richard Rideout Distinguished Service Award is of particular interest to the WDNR Urban Forestry program because it is named after the programs first State Urban Forestry Coordinator for Wisconsin. Richard, Dick, created a program for the state that was, and is still, recognized by peers of the industry as one of the best in the country. Under Dick’s leadership, Wisconsin developed innovative approaches to urban forest management that has been national replicated.

Dick’s passion for urban forestry has helped promote healthy and sustainable trees and forests. He is an active leader in the industry, and his work with the state of Wisconsin and the country has given him national recognition. It is this work and recognition that lead WAA to change the name of a one of its award to acknowledge Dick.

Other awards include the Honorary Life Membership, the WAA’s most prestigious award. It is the highest form of appreciation the WAA can show to one of its members. Ed Bodus was granted Honorary Life Membership at the 2016 WAA Annual Conference. The ISA Gold Leaf Award is another award that recognizes deserving Arbor Day or landscape beautification projects. Two people were presented with the ISA Gold Leaf Award at the 2016 WAA Annual Conference: Jeff Olson for an Outstanding Arbor Day Award and James Chesebro for Outstanding Beautification Activities. There is also the ISA Awards of Distinction, which honors recipients for their contributions to the advancement of the arboriculture industry. The ISA True Professionals of Arboriculture award recognizes members and certified professionals who are role models to their peers and positively represent the profession to the public. Monster Pole Saw is a traveling trophy gets passed to a prominent member of the association each year. The recipient uses the saw to prune a branch and then carves his/her name onto the pole. Cathy Brodbeck was presented the Monster Pole Saw at the 2016 WAA Annual Conference. Finally, there are the WAA Mug Awards. These awards will be presented up to 3 times annually to recognize the outstanding efforts of WAA committee members and volunteers.  If you know someone who is deserving of a Mug Award, please contact Randy Krouse ( with the nomination.  Please give a brief description of why you think the nominee is deserving of this award.


For more information contact Ellen Clark (, Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.

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