Urban Forestry awards second round of grants

The DNR Urban Forestry Grant program awarded $64,641.14 to four Wisconsin communities for urban forestry projects, during our 2018 second round funding. In order to ensure a pool of catastrophic storm funds throughout the year, we have switched to awarding grants in two rounds instead of awarding all of our funds in December. The communities who received grants in the spring include Beaver Dam, Grafton, North Central Wisconsin Master Gardeners Association, and Slinger.

Grant funds for all 2018 projects, first and second round, will support tree inventories and assessments, management plans, urban forest restoration projects, staff training, public education, and other urban forestry efforts. These projects are critical to early planning efforts that include forecasting budgets for labor, equipment, staff training and restoration. Urban forestry grants can range from $1,000 to $25,000 and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar.

Communities were encouraged to apply for grants to bolster their preparedness for emerald ash borer. Wisconsin has approximately 5.2 million ash trees in cities, villages and urban towns. All have been at heightened risk since EAB was confirmed in Wisconsin in 2008.

Further information about the DNR Urban Forestry Grant program is available online, or contact Alex Elias, Urban Forestry Grants Manager at (608) 261-8455 or Alexandria.Elias@wisconsin.gov or Abner Jacobson, Urban Forestry Grants Specialist at (608) 267-0848 or Abner.Jacobson@wisconsin.gov.

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