By Paul Cigan, forest health specialist, Hayward.; 715-416-4920
As summer approaches, adult emerald ash borer (EAB) beetles are beginning to emerge to feed and reproduce.

USDA APHIS EAB emergence map. Map credit: USDA Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Project
Due to the recent statewide quarantine for emerald ash borer and workload considerations, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS PPQ), the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), and the Wisconsin DNR Forest Health Program have discontinued trapping programs for adult beetles in Wisconsin.
However, several forestry partners in northern Wisconsin will continue EAB trapping on their properties this year with technical assistance from the DNR’s forest health team.

Hanging EAB prism trap
Forestry departments in Douglas and Sawyer counties and the Chequamegon–Nicolet National Forest will trap EAB with baited purple prism traps at between 12 to 25 sites per property. Trapping for EAB provides information used to make decisions on harvest prioritization of ash stands and to increase public awareness of the insect and firewood issues for campers and property visitors.
Members of the public should continue to report suspected EAB finds in counties or townships where the insect has not been previously found to their local DNR forester or regional forest health specialist. Learn about EAB identification and biology at