Public comment period for EAB silviculture guidelines revision closes October 9

By Bill McNee, forest health specialist, Oshkosh.; 920-360-0942

Ash trees dying from an EAB infestation. Photo: Troy Kimoto,

Ash trees dying from an EAB infestation. Photo: Troy Kimoto,

The Wisconsin DNR is seeking public comments on a proposed revision to silviculture guidelines for emerald ash borer (EAB). Stand-level EAB silviculture guidelines were originally released in 2007, with periodic reviews and updates. A DNR technical team and stakeholder advisory committee prepared the current version using multiple sources of information, including recent research findings, identification and locations of new EAB infestations, economic considerations, and experience gained from implementing previous versions of the guidelines.

The draft document and information about the public comment process can be found at through Tuesday, October 9, 2018. All comments must be submitted by that date.

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