Wisconsin Environmental Equity Tool (WEET) Announced

Gov. Tony Evers recently announced that the DNR, working with three other state agencies and partner organizations, is developing the Wisconsin Environmental Equity Tool (WEET), a public health and environmental equity mapping dashboard.

The dashboard is designed to locate and compare public health and environmental impacts across the state to advance equity, allowing community members, government and elected officials, public health professionals and nonprofits to pinpoint Wisconsin’s communities most impacted by environmental, public health and climate vulnerability.

This information will also help identify the environmental challenges and prioritize funding priorities to build healthy, resilient communities. The DNR is collaborating with the Department of Administration (DOA), Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) on this effort.

Listening sessions were held on Nov. 2, 4 and 6. Additional ways to provide input include:

  • Completing an online survey
  • Sending written comments or questions to EnvEquity@wedc.org
  • Attending a meeting of the WEET Advisory Committee once it’s formed in 2022

Stay updated on the progress of the project by signing up for updates here.

Visit the WEET website to learn more about this initiative and other environmental equity and justice screening and mapping technology.

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