Urban Forestry News

DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Tracy Salisbury Retires

Congratulations to Tracy Salisbury, who began her retirement in May. Tracy has been with the DNR as an urban forestry coordinator in northeast Wisconsin since 1998.

“I enjoyed working with a variety of customers in my service area for the past 26 years,” Tracy said. “I had the opportunity to collaborate with the Green Bay Packers, American Transmission Company, Rotary Clubs and others on various projects. It was never a dull moment in the division’s urban forestry program!” Continue reading “DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Tracy Salisbury Retires”

Urban Forestry Welcomes Jay Dampier As New IRA Grant Coordinator

Jay Dampier joined the Urban Forestry Team on June 3 as the new Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) grant coordinator. This is a federally funded project position that will be overseeing $4 million of federally funded grants awarded to Wisconsin communities, tribes and nonprofits. These IRA funds were allocated to the urban forestry program by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service in 2023. As part of the Justice 40 Initiative, 100% of the funds will be used to improve the urban forest resources and lives of those living in disadvantaged communities throughout the state. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Welcomes Jay Dampier As New IRA Grant Coordinator”

Urban Forestry Interns Join DNR For Summer Field Season

The DNR’s Urban Forestry program is again thrilled to welcome two interns this summer. Priscilla Loh and Taylor Colman, both students at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are based in the Milwaukee office, where they work on inventory and assessment projects to improve our understanding of local forests. Meet them below. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Interns Join DNR For Summer Field Season”

Unearthing The Ugly Truth About The Callery Pear

At first glance, the Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) tree seems appealing, with its white blossoms in spring and colorful leaves in fall. Digging a little deeper, however, reveals the grim reality of this common urban tree. Once introduced for its ornamental value, this invasive species has become a significant threat to Wisconsin’s ecosystems. Continue reading “Unearthing The Ugly Truth About The Callery Pear”

WAA Summer Conference And Tree Climbing Competition July 26-28

Join the Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA) for its summer conference. It will be held at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Center in River Falls, Wisconsin, on Friday, July 26, 2024. The program will have a little something for everyone, Planting for the Future and feature two educational tracks, one indoors and one outdoors.

Topics include:

  • Storm damage to trees
  • Construction project management
  • Tree stress and management
  • Tree diversity options
  • Mentoring the new generation
  • Training new climbers
  • Company training
  • Aerial lift to climbing transitions
  • Drone applications

Continue reading “WAA Summer Conference And Tree Climbing Competition July 26-28”

Register Now For May 15 Webinar On Inflation Reduction Act Grants And Community Engagement

children playing in parkThe Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant program uses federal funds to support projects that positively impact trees and people within disadvantaged communities in Wisconsin.

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations conducting their projects in Wisconsin may apply for an Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction grant. Eligible projects must occur in or benefit those living in disadvantaged communities. To learn if your community is eligible, check the DNR’s map of identified communities, also available formatted as a list. Applications are due June 3, 2024.

DNR staff will host another webinar on May 15 on the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant application process and allow time for questions and answers. This webinar will begin with a presentation by UW Extension staff on ways to engage with your community through urban forestry. See the links below to access recordings of previous webinars and register for the May 15 webinar.

      • If you have attended a previous IRA webinar, you are encouraged to register for this session as well, which will include new information on community engagement.

For more information, visit the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry webpage.

Continue reading “Register Now For May 15 Webinar On Inflation Reduction Act Grants And Community Engagement”

10 Easy Ways To Engage Your Community In Urban Forestry

  1. Partner with community groups such as 4-H, Scouts, rotary clubs and neighborhood associations to plant and care for trees.
  2. Set up informational tables at community events and farmers markets to recruit volunteers, educate residents and conduct surveys.
  3. Host workshops to teach community members about urban forestry and tree care.
  4. Post resources or hold a Q&A on social media.
  5. Conduct surveys to determine which tree species residents would like to see in their community.
  6. Cohost events with other departments or organizations with similar goals.
  7. Connect with environmental science classes in your school district to provide hands-on education activities.
  8. Post educational signs with QR codes that link to more information where urban forestry work is being done.
  9. Knock on residents’ doors to explain in person or with a flyer what you will be doing before starting tree work in the vicinity of their homes.
  10. For even more ideas, watch the Arbor Day Foundation’s recorded webinar, “How to Collaborate and Engage More Equitably in Your Tree City.”

Continue reading “10 Easy Ways To Engage Your Community In Urban Forestry”

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month, But Trees Provide Benefits All Year Long

Over the years, a growing body of research has proven that regular access to trees makes us happier and healthier. They restore our sense of calm from head to toe — improving memory and attention span, enhancing cognitive functioning, lowering blood pressure, and reducing cortisol levels.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, here are just a few ways trees can support your mental well-being. Continue reading “May Is Mental Health Awareness Month, But Trees Provide Benefits All Year Long”

Spring Invasive Plant Management Workshop

Many residents and land managers in southeastern Wisconsin search for effective and efficient practices to control exotic invasive plants in our natural areas. The Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium is teaming up again with Johnson’s Nursery to offer Invasive Plant Management Workshops in 2024.

Take this class to ensure that you are using the most appropriate, efficient, up-to-date and least environmentally damaging methods in those efforts. Continue reading “Spring Invasive Plant Management Workshop”