
Tune In: Forest Health Team In The Media

Photo showing DNR Forest Health specialist Paul Cigan looking for various species of invasive plants during a visit to a bog at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' Kemp Research Station

Paul Cigan looks for various species of invasive plants during a visit to a bog at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Kemp Research Station on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications or 608-335-0167

Paul Cigan, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) forest health specialist for the northwest zone, recently appeared on the Ventures of the Land podcast, hosted by George Atwell, to discuss oak wilt’s past, present and future in Wisconsin.

The talk included details on how and when the invasive fungal disease arrived in the state, how it attacks oak trees and methods landowners can use to manage the disease.

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Winter Tree ID

How do you learn to identify trees in the middle of a Wisconsin winter when most of the leaves are on the ground?

LEAF’s Winter Tree Key follows the dichotomous process of our regular tree key but uses detailed illustrations of buds, twigs and features other than leaves for identification. The key also includes an illustrated glossary defining the specific vocabulary involved in this process. Winter tree identification can be a bit more demanding. Continue reading “Winter Tree ID”

2024 Forest Health Annual Report Published

The cover of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' 2024 Forest Health Annual Report.

The cover of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ 2024 Forest Health Annual Report. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg or 608-335-0167

Hot off the digital presses, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has made its 2024 Forest Health Annual Report ready for review and download.

This year’s edition contains 58 pages of reporting on forest health issues throughout Wisconsin, detailing methods employed by the DNR and other agencies to control pests and diseases.

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DNR Debuts Fact Sheet On Twolined Chestnut Borer

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Forest Health Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg or 608-335-0167

The Wisconsin Department of Resources (DNR) has debuted a new Forest Health fact sheet on twolined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus), a native beetle that attacks already weakened oaks in Wisconsin.

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Spongy Moth Resource Center Hatches Just In Time

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR forest health communications and outreach specialist, Fitchburg or 608-335-0167

A screenshot of the mock-up of the new Spongy Moth Resource CenterAs Wisconsin braces for another potentially busy season of spongy moth caterpillars, three state agencies have teamed up to make it easier for tree owners and others to access the latest information and advice on the invasive, leaf-chomping pests.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has joined the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension to revamp the state’s interagency spongy moth information webpage.

Renamed the “Spongy Moth Resource Center,” a first glance at the document reveals basic information on the insect. But by following a new list of “Frequently Asked Questions,” visitors can tunnel deeper to more easily find information that applies specifically to their situation.

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UW-Madison Launches Website About Cicadas

By Krista Hamilton, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection;

Photo of cicadas on a plant.

Hungry cicadas are expected to emerge from their 17-year dormancy this month to feed and mate. In past emergences, Brood XIII cicadas have been documented in 11 southern Wisconsin counties. / Photo Credit: Jim Occi, BugPics,

In anticipation of the emergence of the Brood XIII periodical cicada this spring, the University of Wisconsin-Madison introduced a new Wisconsin Periodical Cicada website.

Information on the site covers the biology, ecology and distribution of these insects using photos, historical videos and other useful resources.

UW-Madison entomologist PJ Liesch sifted through 150 years of books, newspaper articles, university studies, government records and specimens in the Wisconsin Insect Research Collection to develop an updated map of Wisconsin periodical cicada reports.

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Forest Health News Subscribers Provide Input

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Forest Health Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg; or 608-335-0167

Screenshot of a typical main page of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' monthly Forest Health News.

A typical main page of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ monthly Forest Health News publication. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

The readers have spoken … well, they’ve filled out their surveys. Now, we’re documenting what we learned.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Health team recently surveyed subscribers to its monthly Forest Health News, an internal and external newsletter sent out during the first week of every month.

Here are some general statistics about the newsletter: Continue reading “Forest Health News Subscribers Provide Input”

Forest Health Forecast For 2024

Paul Cigan, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Hayward; or 715-416-4920

An aerial photo of oak and aspen forests showing heavy defoliation from spongy moth.

Oak and aspen forests with heavy defoliation from spongy moth. Additional defoliation coupled with ongoing drought in the upcoming 2024 growing season is expected to put significant stress on affected forests. / Photo Credit: Paul Cigan, Wisconsin DNR

Maintaining a healthy and productive forest often requires — more than ever before — a working knowledge of how to anticipate, prevent and mitigate environmental stressors that threaten to undermine it. The list of stressors includes drought, impact of forest insects and diseases.

In a recent and timely article, Denise Thornton of My Wisconsin Woods taps the expansive knowledge of the DNR’s Forest Health team and a state climatologist to bring focus to the threats facing forests this year.

She also lists steps that can be taken to ensure health and proactivity are maintained in your forests.

Read All About It: Forest Health Annual Report Published

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Forest Health Outreach and Communications Specialist or 608-335-0167

Graphic showing the front cover of the Wisconsin DNR Forest Health 2023 Annual Report.

The front cover of the Wisconsin DNR Forest Health 2023 Annual Report. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

2023 was a busy year for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Health Program. Summaries of activities and progress can be found in the program’s annual report for 2023, which was published on Jan. 31.

The annual report was the last one edited by DNR Invasive Forest Insects Program Coordinator Andrea Diss-Torrance, who retired in late January.

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Subscriber Survey Coming To Your Email

Icon of a survey under the DNR Forestry News banner

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources soon will launch an email survey of Forest Health News subscribers. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Forest Health Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg Service Center; or 608-335-0167

Every five years or so, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s Forest Health Team surveys the readership of the Forest Health News to gain insight into the types of articles our readers find most valuable and interesting.

The next survey should arrive in your email folders within the next few weeks.

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