Urban Forestry News

Visit new urban forest website

U.S. Forest Service launches new Urban and Community Forest and National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council websites. The sites have been migrated to the Forest Service’s new, modernized web platform, and the information has been streamlined and updated to reflect our community’s contemporary priorities.  We are featuring our partnerships in the slideshow on the main UCF page, including the innovative collaboration and coordination happening with SUFC.  We plan to update our slideshow quarterly.  If you would like the page to feature your partnership, please email Lauren Marshall.

Grants to address urban wildlife damage

The Wisconsin DNR is currently accepting applications for the Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control grant. This grant gives financial assistance to urban communities, as defined in s.86.196(1)(c), Wis. Stats., for the development of long-term solutions to decrease damage created by wildlife, namely white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. The financial assistance provided is a 50-50 reimbursement up to a maximum of $5,000. This grant can help urban parks and forests in municipalities prone to the effects of wildlife. The deadline for applications submission, and other necessary documents, is December 1, 2016.  If you have questions regarding the grant or how to apply visit the Urban Damage Abatement and Control  page on the DNR website. Continue reading “Grants to address urban wildlife damage”

Nominations welcomed for the Great American Tree

The American Grove holds a competition every year searching for a tree that stands above the rest, flourishes with magnificence, and is one-of-a-kind, the Great American Tree. This year the deadline for photographic submissions is November 15, 2016. The photograph submission should be accompanied by a description of the tree and an explanation of why the tree stands out. For more information visit the American Grove website. Last year, a Bur Oak tree in Platteville, WI, submitted by Mark Hirsch, won and is the current Great American Tree. Mark’s submission of “That Tree” describes a beautiful tree and how it had the ability to change a man’s life. Continue reading “Nominations welcomed for the Great American Tree”

40th Anniversary of Tree City USA recognized at reception

Left to right: Curt Witynski, LWM; Don K, DNR; August Hoppe, WAA; Tracy Salisbury, DNR; Pete Smith, ADF; Will Erickson, DNR Green Tier; Alex Elias, DNR; Jeff Roe, DNR; Twink Jan-Mahon, WUW. Photo credit: Gail Sumi, LWM

Left to right: Curt Witynski, LWM; Don Kissinger, DNR; August Hoppe, WAA; Tracy Salisbury, DNR; Pete Smith, ADF; Will Erickson, DNR Green Tier; Alex Elias, DNR; Jeff Roe, DNR; Twink Jan-Mahon, WUW.
Photo credit: Gail Sumi, LWM


On Thursday, October 20, the Urban Forestry (UF) Team  provided municipalities an opportunity to celebrate and learn more about the Tree City USA program and the ways it can bring pride and health to their local communities, at an evening reception during the annual League of Wisconsin Municipalities (LWM) conference. Continue reading “40th Anniversary of Tree City USA recognized at reception”

Nominate someone for council awards

The Urban Forestry Council (UFC) is a group comprised of members from municipalities throughout the state, elected officials, nursery employees and arborists that help inform and guide the DNR, specifically the Urban Forestry Program, about the needs of the communities.

Every year, the UFC, in partnership with DNR Division of Forestry Urban Forestry Program, strives to recognize individuals and organizations who have worked to increase tree planting, care, preservation, habitat and other benefits of urban trees through an awards ceremony. The awards are presented to individuals or organizations at Wisconsin’s Annual Urban Forestry Conference.  Nominations for the 2017 awards are due on October 31, 2016, so please nominate people or organizations that you think exemplify the following UFC awards. Continue reading “Nominate someone for council awards”

Stratford holds Environmental Appreciation Day


Don Kissinger showing community members about proper pruning techniques

The Stratford FFA worked with the Stratford Village Tree Advisory Board to develop an Environmental Appreciation Day held on October 1, 2016. Stratford FFA member Tristan Wirkus said, “the goals of this event are to increase the use of Heritage Trail, inform the community about tree identification and health, provide environmental awareness opportunities, and become a Tree City USA.” To become a Tree City USA a community must host an event, such as the Stratford FFA Environmental Appreciation Day.

Continue reading “Stratford holds Environmental Appreciation Day”

Festival celebrates urban forests

The Fourth Annual Urban Forest Fest  was held September 24 at Lynden Sculpture Garden in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Approximately 500 people learned the log-to-table story of urban wood and the many uses of local trees after they are cut down. Sawmill demonstrations, kid’s tree climbing, urban wood furniture and informational fair, Milwaukee Mandolin Orchestra, Falafel Guys food truck, and hands-on art and nature activities were all part of the event. For more information on Urban Forestry events visit the WDNR Urban Forestry events page.

For more information, contact Ellen Clark (EllenA.Clark@Wisconsin.gov), DNR Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, 608- 267-2774.

Municipalities celebrate Tree City USA program


Tree City USA is a program sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, and implemented by DNR Forestry Division. It focuses on greening communities across the country. The Arbor Day Foundation describes Tree City USA as a great opportunity to celebrate the importance of an urban tree canopy and improve care of these vital city trees. The program gives recognition to communities committed to managing and augmenting their urban tree canopy. The beauty and abundance of trees provides the citizens of Tree City USA communities a general splendor unrivaled by anything else, as well as many other benefits.

Continue reading “Municipalities celebrate Tree City USA program”