
International Society Of Arboriculture Credential Renamed

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist® credential will now be called ISA Certified Urban Forest Professional.

New Logo, Same Benefits

As an ISA Certified Urban Forest Professional, you continue showing the public, employers and peers that you have achieved the critical knowledge and skills needed to manage trees as a community asset providing societal benefits in an urban forest context. Continue reading “International Society Of Arboriculture Credential Renamed”

MFL Certified Group Pesticide Reporting Reminder

A worker rinses pesticide from a measuring cup

All owners of certified MFL Lands are required to report their pesticide usage each year. Photo Credit: / Wisconsin DNR

As a Certified Group, we aim for 100% pesticide reporting on certified MFL Lands.

Recent articles have described the pesticide reporting requirements for forest certification. As we approach the end of the year, this is a reminder to submit your report if any pesticides have been applied on your certified MFL property in the past year.

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A Look At Forestry Certification: Education 101 And Industry Insight

NOTE: This article originally appeared in the February 2023 issue of Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association Magazine and is reprinted here with permission.

By Taylor Dorsey, Wood Sourcing Specialist with Ahlstrom

Forest products have become an increasingly important part of the global economy.  In the past couple of decades, forest certification has increased in popularity. Forest certification is a voluntary process in which the forest management practices and fiber tracking methods of an organization, or individual, are evaluated and certified according to a set of environmental, social and economic standards.

Forest certification began in the early 1990s, when a number of environmental organizations and companies began to recognize the need for improved forest management practices. The concept was to create a system in which companies and individuals could demonstrate their commitment to responsible forest management. The goal was to create a system that would provide a standard of environmental, social and economic best practices and would be recognized and accepted globally. Continue reading “A Look At Forestry Certification: Education 101 And Industry Insight”

Results Of 2023 MFL Group Internal Certification Audit

The annual internal audit of the Managed Forest Law (MFL) Certified Group took place during the week of April 10 with visits to 40 certified MFL properties and completed timber harvests in southern Wisconsin – specifically in Columbia, Dane, Iowa, Juneau, Marquette, Monroe, Richland, Sauk, Vernon and Waushara counties.

We were fortunate to have sunny skies and warm weather, witness a lot of superb forest management, engage in thoughtful discussions with landowners, foresters, and loggers, and identify a couple more opportunities for improvement. In sum, we are challenged to improve our pesticide reporting by group members and transportation system maintenance outside of forestry operations.

An internal audit is required every year for both Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) and American Tree Farm System® (ATFS) standards, under which the MFL Certified Group is dually certified. The audit reviews a selection of MFL properties where timber harvesting was completed within the previous three years. All indicators under the FSC and ATFS standards are eligible for evaluation during the audit, but the focus is on indicators that where the MFL Group has been out of conformance in recent audits and on issues identified through routine harvest monitoring. Continue reading “Results Of 2023 MFL Group Internal Certification Audit”

CTMI V Session I Successfully Completed

By: Olivia Witthun, Urban Forestry Regional Coordinator

CTMI groups work together to develop marketing plans for scenarios. Source: Olivia Witthun

After being postponed twice due to the pandemic, the third time was a charm. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s Urban Forestry Team hosted the first of three Community Tree Management Institute (CTMI) V sessions. The CTMI session took place at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wis. and brought together DNR Urban Forestry staff and 28 students from across the state. CTMI students, community foresters, utility foresters, UW Extension staff and a tree board member served as instructors to help educate and led exercises for the 2-day event.

CTMI is an advanced training course designed specifically for people responsible for urban forest management who do not have a degree and/or experience in urban forestry – think of your typical small Wisconsin community’s Public Works Director. This CTMI class jumped right in from the get-go and were very involved in the conversations. The foundations of urban forestry were covered in this first session. The second session, February 2023, will cover planning, operations and biology. The third session, June 2023, will bring it all together. An applied project is also a requirement of attendees; each will work on something that will benefit their community’s urban forest. Continue reading “CTMI V Session I Successfully Completed”

Guidance recertification documents now posted online

As part of the review process for existing guidance from the WDNR Applied Forestry Bureau, 26 guidance recertification documents have been posted for public comment on the DNR Proposed Program Guidance webpage. Three of these documents pertain to the Urban Forestry program: the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Grants 2020 Application Guide, the Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grant Program, and the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Grants 2020 Recordkeeping & Reimbursement Guide.

Per Act 369, agencies must post new or significantly revised guidance documents for public comment and certify their contents, prior to adoption. The act also requires existing guidance to be republished for public comment. Once finalized, guidance must be posted on the DNR website, contain a certification statement, and the department must permit continued public comment.

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Spring 2019 chainsaw safety training

Routinely, DNR North Central Urban Forestry Coordinator Don Kissinger puts a call out to his networking group regarding chainsaw safety training. This past winter he hit the jackpot and received a great response and a first ever request for an Advanced Training. Thus, two courses occurred this past April (Basic & Advanced). Continue reading “Spring 2019 chainsaw safety training”

Consider viewing the WAA job board

The Wisconsin Arborist Association recently created a job board, hosted on their website, to connect businesses and potential employees. These posts showcase available arboriculture positions in Wisconsin listed by region, company name, and are also grouped alphabetically. This webpage provides the opportunity for individuals to search for jobs as well as giving companies a venue for posting openings in their businesses. Continue reading “Consider viewing the WAA job board”