Financial help

Weed Management Area Grant Deadline Nears

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center; or 715-492-0391

Controlling invasive plants on your forested property can be a challenging and costly endeavor. The Weed Management Area – Private Forest Grant Program (WMA-PFGP) helps make this process easier for its recipients. Though the April 1 application deadline is quickly approaching, there is still time to apply for funding for your forest.

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DNR Seeking Applications For Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants: Submit Applications By June 3

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced it is accepting applications for the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant program. The program, which launched in January, uses federal funds to support projects that positively impact trees and people within disadvantaged communities* in Wisconsin.

The DNR is hosting a webinar on March 14 at 1 p.m. to provide an overview of the application and answer questions. A link to register is available on the DNR Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants webpage. The application deadline      is June 3, 2024.

Potential projects may involve conserving, protecting, expanding or improving urban forests. Examples include tree planting, hazard tree removal and pest control. Projects can also be capacity-building endeavors, such as urban forestry management plans, tree inventories and public education.

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations conducting their projects in Wisconsin may apply for an Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant. Eligible projects must occur in or benefit those living in disadvantaged communities as identified by        the DNR on this map and list.

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Upcoming Webinars For Inflation Reduction Act Grant

children playing in parkThe Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant program uses federal funds to support projects that positively impact trees and people within disadvantaged communities in Wisconsin. Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations conducting their projects in Wisconsin may apply for an Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction grant. Eligible projects must occur in or benefit those living in disadvantaged communities, as identified by the DNR on this map and list.

DNR staff will host at least three webinars that outline the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant application process and allow time for questions and answers. See the webinar schedule below:

  • Register For Webinar 1                Friday, Feb. 9, 9 – 10:30 a.m.
  • Register For Webinar 2                Thursday, March 14, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Webinar 3-Save The Date          Wednesday, May 15, 10 – 11:30 a.m.

For more information, visit the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry webpage

Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants Update: Upcoming Webinar and Public Comment Opportunity

Laura Buntrock, DNR Urban Forestry Partnership & Policy Specialist or 608-294-0253

woman looking at a treeWebinar:

Mark your calendars! The DNR Urban Forestry Team will host a webinar on Friday, Feb. 9 from 9-10:30 a.m. The webinar will begin with an overview of the Inflation Reduction Act Grant opportunity, followed by time for Q&A. Stay tuned to the Urban Forestry Newsfeed for more details, including a registration link. Sign up to receive the Urban Forestry Newsletter.

Public comment opportunity:

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking input on the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants 2024 Application Guide.

This guide details:

  • The purpose, priorities and goals for the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant opportunity
  • Eligible and ineligible projects and expenses
  • Required documents
  • Reimbursement and reporting schedules
  • Submission guidelines and deadlines
  • DNR contact information
  • Guidance for working with consultants and conducting work on private property
  • The methodology used to define disadvantaged communities
  • And more

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Fight Invasives As Part Of A CISMA

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center; or 715-492-0391

Photo of a goat grazing during a demonstration held by the Monroe County Invasive Species Working Group

A field day in August 2023, hosted by Monroe County Invasive Species Working Group, featured a live goat grazing demonstration among presentations that included invasive plant identification tips, funding opportunities and management techniques. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

If you’ve been fighting invasive plants in your woodlands, you may have wondered if there were any groups in your area to support weed management. The short answer? Probably!

Wisconsin currently has 14 different Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas, or CISMAs. These regional county groups bring together community members to work on various invasive species-related projects ranging from fieldwork outings to controlling and monitoring invasive plant occurrences to education and outreach events so more local citizens can learn about and get involved with invasive plant management.

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Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants Update

By Laura Buntrock, DNR UF Partnership & Policy Specialist, Rhinelander; or 608-294-0253

We are excited to share the following updates on Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants through the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The DNR was allocated $4.875 million of Inflation Reduction Act funds from the USDA Forest Service earlier this year. Of that, $4 million will be sub-awarded to local entities through our competitive grant program. Given the requirements and intentions of these funds, the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants will People Talking at an Urban Parklook different from the grants we have offered in the past. We have meticulously worked through the emergency rule change process to temporarily modify the structure of our grant program to facilitate the disbursement of this new funding. Our regular and start-up grant offerings will continue unchanged in 2024.

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DNR Urban Forestry Program Announces 2024 Grant Recipients

By Nicolle Spafford, DNR Urban Forestry Grant Manager; or 715-896-7099

city with trees

Photo Credit: Preston Keres, USDA Forest Service

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced Urban Forestry Grant Program recipients for the 2024 grant year. The program helps fund projects consistent with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy.

The Urban Forestry Grant Program is distributing almost $805,000 in grant funds, with $554,680 in state funding and an additional $250,066 in federal funding. A dollar-for-dollar match puts the estimated cost of these projects over $1.6 million. In total, 58 applications were selected to receive funding, with awards ranging from $1,580 to $25,000. Continue reading “DNR Urban Forestry Program Announces 2024 Grant Recipients”

Wood Innovations Grant Program

The USDA Forest Service is announcing the availability of $20 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act to support projects that will substantially expand and accelerate wood products and wood energy markets throughout the United States. Additional funds from annual agency appropriations will be subject to availability. The intent is to stimulate, expand and support U.S. wood products and wood energy markets to support long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands while enhancing the economic and environmental health of communities.

Eligible applicants include for-profit entities, state and local governments, Indian Tribes, school districts, communities, not-for-profit organizations, institutes of higher education and species purpose districts (e.g., public utilities districts, fire districts, conservation districts and ports).

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Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement And Control Grants

Photo credit: USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station,

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now accepting applications for Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control (UWDAC) grants. UWDAC grants help urban areas develop wildlife plans, implement specific damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. 

UWDAC grants provide a 50% cost share with a maximum award of $5,000. The grant is available to any town, city, village, county or tribal government located within an urban area. Check out the complete list of eligible urban areas.

Grant eligible expenses include:

  • Developing an urban wildlife population control plan
  • Monitoring wildlife populations and establishing population estimates
  • Removing deer using sharpshooters as part of a DNR approved project
  • Trapping deer and geese
  • Implementing managed hunts
  • Removing resident Canada geese by approved DNR methods
  • Performing required health and tissue sampling
  • Processing, distributing or disposing of geese or deer to a charitable organization
  • Modifying habitat
  • Implementing any other wildlife control or damage abatement practices approved by the DNR

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Reminder: 2023 DNR Urban Forestry Grant Applications Open

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2023 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban Forestry Grant.

The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy and the benefits it provides.

The recent Governor’s 2023-25 Biennial Budget increased funding to urban forestry grants by $350,000 over the biennium. In 2024, the annual allotment will increase by $175,000 to further fund Urban Forestry projects. Also available this grant cycle is an additional $145,000 in federal funding to be used for emerald ash borer treatment and ash tree removals and replacements. In total, $806,680 is currently available in regular and startup grant funding for 2024, with an additional $139,920 in reserve for catastrophic storm grants.

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