Statewide Forest Health

Urban Forest Inventory And Analysis Release

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist or 608-445-4578

Much of what we know about our urban forests is limited to publicly maintained spaces such as in parks or along streets. However, the curtain covering other urban lands is rising, starting in Milwaukee and Madison.

The Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis (UFIA) program, a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and the DNR, has established 1,300 permanent plots in urban areas across Wisconsin. Project foresters captured loads of information on each plot, such as tree species and sizes, land ownership, tree damages, and wood volume. The data were extrapolated from those plots and made into estimates for each city. The data were also incorporated into i-Tree to calculate ecosystem services. Continue reading “Urban Forest Inventory And Analysis Release”

A Hopefully Not-Too-Deep Look Into i-Tree Benefits

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist or 608-445-4578

Trees work in mysterious ways, and, for some users, so does i-Tree. The suite of software, developed by the USDA Forest Service and Davey Tree Expert Company, can, among other things, calculate the societal benefits of trees. Below, I try to summarize and demystify some of these estimates of ecosystem services, a somewhat sterile term for some of the cool things trees do for society and the wider environment.

Because the benefits identified in i-Tree only scratch the surface of trees’ importance to one’s community, it could be problematic and limiting if estimates from i-Tree are solely relied on to justify the investment in tree preservation, maintenance or planting. Nonetheless, these estimates help tell the story of the good work trees do in our communities. Continue reading “A Hopefully Not-Too-Deep Look Into i-Tree Benefits”

Spring Brings Opportunities To Protect Oak Trees

A photo of an oak tree with a branch that has been pruned, but not treated with protective paint to prevent infection with oak wilt.

Pruning, cutting, or wounding oaks during April through July leaves them vulnerable to oak wilt. / Photo Credit: Paul Cigan, Wisconsin DNR

By Paul Cigan, DNR Forest Health Specialist or 715-416-4920

With warmer spring weather fast approaching, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recommends protecting oaks from the often-fatal disease, oak wilt, by refraining from pruning, cutting or injuring oak trees from April through July.

Oak wilt is a serious disease that kills trees in the red oak group (including pin oak, northern red oak and black oak) and weakens those in the white oak group (bur oak, swamp white oak, white oak and English oak).

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Treat Ash Trees Against Emerald Ash Borer This Spring

A photo of an ash tree next to a park trail in Winnebago County showing damage from woodpeckers feeding on EAB larvae beneath the bark.

An ash tree next to a park trail in Winnebago County shows damage from woodpeckers feeding on EAB larvae beneath the bark. / Photo Credit: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

By Bill McNee, Forest Health Specialist or 920-360-0942

Property owners with healthy, valuable ash trees are encouraged to treat them with insecticide this spring to protect against emerald ash borer (EAB).

The invasive pest is currently the most damaging threat to trees in Wisconsin, killing more than 99% of the ash trees it infests.

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Squirrel Or Porcupine Damage: How Do You Know?

Photo showing squirrel tooth marks on a tree. Squirrel tooth marks are small and look like narrow scratches where the animals have removed the tree’s bark.

Squirrel tooth marks are small and look like narrow scratches where the animals have removed the tree’s bark. / Photo Credit: Linda Williams, Wisconsin DNR

By Linda Williams, Forest Health Specialist or 920-360-0665

If something chewed the bark off your tree, how would you go about determining the culprit?

Quite a few animals can damage bark on trees, from deer and bears to rabbits and mice. But the damage from squirrels and porcupines can look very similar, especially from a distance. So, how can you tell the difference?

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Heterobasidion Root Disease Online Maps Updated

Photo of a tree showing fruiting bodies of Heterobasidion root disease at its trunk.

A tree shows fruiting bodies of Heterobasidion root disease at its trunk. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

By Kyoko Scanlon, DNR Forest Pathologist or 608-235-7532

Heterobasidion root disease (HRD), a destructive fungal disease, continues to be found in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has confirmed detections in several stands over recent months.

The DNR’s 6-mile and 25-mile buffer zone maps have been updated based on the locations of the newly confirmed stands. The most notable changes due to expanded buffer zones have taken place in Door, Marinette, Milwaukee and Pierce counties.

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Tune In: Forest Health Team In The Media

Photo showing DNR Forest Health specialist Paul Cigan looking for various species of invasive plants during a visit to a bog at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' Kemp Research Station

Paul Cigan looks for various species of invasive plants during a visit to a bog at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Kemp Research Station on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications or 608-335-0167

Paul Cigan, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) forest health specialist for the northwest zone, recently appeared on the Ventures of the Land podcast, hosted by George Atwell, to discuss oak wilt’s past, present and future in Wisconsin.

The talk included details on how and when the invasive fungal disease arrived in the state, how it attacks oak trees and methods landowners can use to manage the disease.

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Mary Bartkowiak Retires As Forest Invasive Plant Coordinator

Photo showing Mary Bartkowiak, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' recently retired Forestry Invasive Plants Coordinator, giving a presentation on invasive plants at the University of Wisconsin's Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff.

Mary Bartkowiak, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Forestry Invasive Plants Coordinator, gives a presentation on invasive plants at the University of Wisconsin’s Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff on June 25. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications or 608-335-0167

It seems quite fitting that a natively grown expert has spent much of the last 15 years of her career fighting the expansion of invasive plant species in Wisconsin.

Mary Bartkowiak, a Wisconsin native who joined the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in 2010 and has served as the Forest Invasive Plants Coordinator since 2020, announced her retirement in February.

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Is That A Crack In My Tree?

By Olivia Witthun, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator or 414-750-8744

tree with frost crackWisconsin winters with subzero weather can create problems for our trees. Frost cracks are one of those problems we’re seeing an uptick of lately. These longitudinal openings can run the entire length of the trunk, often extend deep into the wood, and permanently damage a tree. In wintertime, the tree may even look like it’s splitting in half! Then warmer weather comes, and the crack seems to close, repeating this process annually. Over time, frost cracks may even develop a raised area where callus tissue develops in an attempt to close over the wound, only to reopen again next winter. Continue reading “Is That A Crack In My Tree?”

A Wonderful Winter Display: Phomopsis Galls

Phomopsis galls are plentiful on branches of a 120-year-old red oak tree in Clark County, Wisconsin, in 2024.

Phomopsis galls are plentiful on branches of a 120-year-old red oak tree in Clark County, Wisconsin, in 2024. / Photo Credit: Kris Wimme, retired Wisconsin DNR forester

By Alex Hornung, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Plover

It is the perfect time of year to be on the lookout for galls – woody growths or swellings on tree branches that are typically oblong in shape and of varying sizes.

They can often be found on small branches, but occasionally they can affect large branches or even the main stem. Galls can occur for several reasons, ranging from fungi to bacteria to insect activity.

One type, Phomopsis gall, can be particularly impressive to see. Galls formed due to this native fungus mostly occur on oak, hickory and maple trees in Wisconsin.


Continue reading “A Wonderful Winter Display: Phomopsis Galls”