
10 Easy Ways To Engage Your Community In Urban Forestry

  1. Partner with community groups such as 4-H, Scouts, rotary clubs and neighborhood associations to plant and care for trees.
  2. Set up informational tables at community events and farmers markets to recruit volunteers, educate residents and conduct surveys.
  3. Host workshops to teach community members about urban forestry and tree care.
  4. Post resources or hold a Q&A on social media.
  5. Conduct surveys to determine which tree species residents would like to see in their community.
  6. Cohost events with other departments or organizations with similar goals.
  7. Connect with environmental science classes in your school district to provide hands-on education activities.
  8. Post educational signs with QR codes that link to more information where urban forestry work is being done.
  9. Knock on residents’ doors to explain in person or with a flyer what you will be doing before starting tree work in the vicinity of their homes.
  10. For even more ideas, watch the Arbor Day Foundation’s recorded webinar, “How to Collaborate and Engage More Equitably in Your Tree City.”

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Spring Invasive Plant Management Workshop

Many residents and land managers in southeastern Wisconsin search for effective and efficient practices to control exotic invasive plants in our natural areas. The Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium is teaming up again with Johnson’s Nursery to offer Invasive Plant Management Workshops in 2024.

Take this class to ensure that you are using the most appropriate, efficient, up-to-date and least environmentally damaging methods in those efforts. Continue reading “Spring Invasive Plant Management Workshop”

Urban Forestry Today’s Summer Tree Summit

Tree Canopy, Environmental Justice & Urban Forestry: Understanding The Relationship
With Dr. Dexter Locke, USDA Forest Service

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is bringing back its Urban Forestry Today’s Summer Tree Summit, kicking it off with a discussion of how to define environmental justice in the context of urban tree canopy cover and urban forest management. Join Dexter Locke from the USDA Forest Service as he explains these important terms and concepts and their practical ramifications for urban foresters and residents.

Continue reading “Urban Forestry Today’s Summer Tree Summit”

Register Now For The WAA/DNR Annual Conference, Feb. 25-27, 2024

Join the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA) for the 2024 Wisconsin Annual Urban Forestry Conference. The conference will be held from Feb. 25-27 at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay. To register online, visit the Wisconsin Arborist Association conference webpage. An early bird discount is available until February 2, 2024.

The DNR and the WAA have developed three days of enriching educational programming on the latest research, innovations, developments and arboriculture and urban forestry industry issues.

This conference is intended for professional arborists, community foresters, nursery professionals, park and recreation directors and staff, tree care workers, landscape architects, green industry professionals, community administrators, volunteers and students. Continue reading “Register Now For The WAA/DNR Annual Conference, Feb. 25-27, 2024”

UW-Extension Landscape And Grounds Maintenance Short Course

The Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Short Course is for landscape professionals to learn up-to-date, science-based information to help increase the economic and environmental sustainability of the landscapes you care for. This online training will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in February. To register, visit the short course website.

Topics include:

  • Crown Restoration Pruning of Storm Damaged Trees
  • Insects to Watch for in 2024
  • Planting for Resilience: Trees and Shrubs for the Future
  • Low Developing the Next Landscape Staple Perennials
  • Bee Lawns: Practical Applications for Industry Professionals
  • Disease or Not Disease? That’s the Question
  • Turf vs. Drought: The Epic Throwdown
  • The Benefits of Growth Regulators (PGR’s) for Trees and Shrubs

Pruning, Coppicing And Tree Release Training At Riveredge Nature Center

woman pruning

Join Matt Smith, a professional restoration ecologist with over 22 years of experience, for an entirely outside, hands-on field demonstration in pruning, coppicing and tree release for restoration and landscaping. This training will take place on Feb. 23, 2024, at Riveredge Nature Center, Newburg, WI (35 miles north of Milwaukee).

For more information and to register, visit the Riveredge Nature Center website.


Michigan State University Launches Course On Urban Forests And Climate Change


hand holding earth and tree

The Michigan State University Forest Carbon and Climate Program has launched a new intensive course, Urban Forests and Climate Change. This online professional training will be offered multiple times throughout the year. Course content was co-developed with MSU faculty and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, a collaborative, multi-institutional partnership led by the USDA Forest Service.  Continue reading “Michigan State University Launches Course On Urban Forests And Climate Change”

Save The Date: WAA/DNR Annual Conference, Feb. 25-27, 2024

Join the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA) for the 2024 Wisconsin Annual Urban Forestry Conference. The conference will be held from Feb. 25 to 27 at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay.

The DNR and the WAA have developed three days of enriching educational programming on the latest research, innovations, developments and arboriculture and urban forestry industry issues.

This conference is intended for professional arborists, community foresters, nursery professionals, park and recreation directors and staff, tree care workers, landscape architects, green industry professionals, community administrators, volunteers and students. Continue reading “Save The Date: WAA/DNR Annual Conference, Feb. 25-27, 2024”

Young Tree Training Pruning Workshops

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and UW-Madison Extension have teamed up to offer young tree training pruning workshops at five locations around the state. Wachtel Tree Science will be presenting the information in a morning-indoors-afternoon-outside format. The cost is $35 including lunch, and ISA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered. 

Set your trees up to thrive and help alleviate storm damage by properly pruning your trees when they’re young. It’s an excellent investment of resources providing exponential savings in the future.

Please register ASAP as these start in just a couple weeks.

Continue reading “Young Tree Training Pruning Workshops”

Municipal Forestry Institute Now Accepting Applications

The Municipal Forestry Institute is an intensive high-level professional growth program of the Society of Municipal Arborists. The week-long training provides personal and professional development opportunities for key urban forestry decision-makers who want to become influential leaders and managers.

The cadre of dedicated urban forestry instructors has taught over 800 leaders since 2005. Grow your professional skills and community tree program by joining the Municipal Forestry Institute.

Continue reading “Municipal Forestry Institute Now Accepting Applications”