The North Central Wisconsin Master Gardener Association is working to develop a shade garden within the Monk Botanical Gardens located in Wausau, WI. Continue reading “Master Gardeners increase diversity in Wausau botanical garden”
Financial help
Urban Tree Alliance partners with Community Development Authority to complete tree inventory
The Urban Tree Alliance (UTA) received funding from the WI DNR urban forestry grant program to develop the Housing Partnerships project. Continue reading “Urban Tree Alliance partners with Community Development Authority to complete tree inventory”
2019 Urban forestry grant recipients announced
Thirty-eight communities, nonprofit groups, and counties will share over $532,000 in 2019 state grant dollars to promote and sustain urban forest resources in Wisconsin. Continue reading “2019 Urban forestry grant recipients announced”
Bay-Lake RPC announces the award of 20 tree grants
Three Wisconsin regional planning commissions and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have jointly awarded $122,000 in grants to communities under their 2018/19 Wisconsin Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) and DNR Great Lakes Basin Tree Planting Grant Program. Twenty Wisconsin communities will receive funds for projects to reduce runoff and mitigate the impacts of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The grant funds are supporting the planting of nearly 1,000 trees throughout the Wisconsin Great Lakes Basin to help reduce runoff and recover from canopy losses from EAB. Continue reading “Bay-Lake RPC announces the award of 20 tree grants”
Video to help understand urban forestry grant reimbursement
The Urban Forestry grant reimbursement process can be challenging. All the time and energy that goes into creating a successful project can also create a lot of paperwork, and it is not an easy task to keep everything organized. A new video has been created to help grant recipients navigate this aspect of the reimbursement process and avoid some of the most common mistakes that we see on our grant reimbursement forms. The video covers topics such as documenting cash expenditures, using correct equipment rates, and contacting DNR staff. It is approximately eleven minutes long and can be accessed from the Urban Forestry Grants webpage. Continue reading “Video to help understand urban forestry grant reimbursement”
2019 Urban Forestry grants now open!
A reminder that the application for the 2019 Urban Forestry Grants is open! Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2019 Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Grant! The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy and the benefits it provides.
Funding available to plant trees!
The Bay-Lake RPC announced available funding under the 2019 WI RPCs & DNR Great Lakes Basin Tree Planting grant program. This program is a partnership between Bay-Lake RPC, Wisconsin DNR, East Central Wisconsin RPC, Northwest Wisconsin RPC, and Southeastern Wisconsin RPC. Continue reading “Funding available to plant trees!”
Bay-Lake RPC announces the award of 18 tree planting grants
Four Wisconsin regional planning commissions (RPC), Bay-Lake RPC, East Central Wisconsin RPC, Northwest Wisconsin RPC, and Southeastern Wisconsin RPC, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have jointly awarded a total $122,200 to communities under their 2018 Wisconsin RPCs and DNR Great Lakes Basin Tree Planting Grant Program. The DNR marketed the grant opportunity, provided process guidance and assistance ranking the grants. Eighteen Wisconsin communities will receive funds for projects to reduce runoff and mitigate the impacts of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Continue reading “Bay-Lake RPC announces the award of 18 tree planting grants”
New funding opportunity with American Transmission Company
American Transmission Co (ATC) has new program that provide funding for the purchase of seeds, plugs or plants that are low-growing perennials that can be planted within a transmission line right-of-way. This program in conjunctions with the ATC’s existing Community Planting Program will help create greener communities. Learn more about both programs through the press release from ATC.
Continue reading “New funding opportunity with American Transmission Company”
Urban Forestry Grants application and guidance open for review
By Alex Elias, Urban Forestry Grants Manager
Updated guidance for the Urban Forestry Grants program has been posted for public input and will be available for a 21-day comment period. Guidance is available for both internal and external review from Tuesday, May 15, 2018 through Monday, June 4, 2018 on the proposed program guidance open for public comment website. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Grants application and guidance open for review”