
Forest products celebrated

Forestry organizations, businesses, and communities celebrated Wisconsin’s diverse forest products sector during National Forest Products Week on October 15-21, 2017. Gov. Scott Walker also proclaimed the week as Forest Products Week in Wisconsin, encouraging citizens to recognize the many products that come from our forests because of the people and businesses that work in and care for forests.  Several forest products businesses and organizations hosted open house events throughout the week.  DNR produced a new handout to showcase the economic value of Wisconsin forests.  If you’d like copies of this printed publication, send an email to noting your street address, the number of copies you’d like and the publication code number (FR-698). Continue reading “Forest products celebrated”

Oak wilt and hickory mortality Forest Health Fact Sheets are available

The forest health program is in the process of updating some of our publications as Forest Health Fact Sheets. These publications offer biology, impact, prevention and management information about specific threats to forest health. Our new oak wilt fact sheet and hickory dieback and mortality fact sheet are currently available on the DNR’s forest health oak wilt and bark beetle webpages and will be available in the DNR’s online publications catalog  in the near future. Enjoy!

Written by: Mike Hillstrom, forest health specialist, Wisconsin Dells (, 715-459-1371.

Pesticide applicator training (PAT) – newsletter

The University of Wisconsin Extension Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) program produces a newsletter dealing with information relevant to pesticide rules, regulations, certification, testing and more. The newsletter is called PAT CHAT and it comes out quarterly.

If you would like receive notifications of when the Pat Chat Newsletter is available, send an email to

Written by: Todd Lanigan, forest health specialist, Eau Claire, (, 715-839-1632.

CTMI graduate workshop, young tree pruning

This fall Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry program hosted the inaugural Wisconsin Community Tree Management Institute (WCTMI) graduate workshop. It was held over two days in mid-October at the Green Lake Conference Center. The workshop included presentations and mini-workshops on many topics. One of the topics was young tree pruning. Continue reading “CTMI graduate workshop, young tree pruning”