Urban Forestry News

Grants: community forest & open space conservation

The Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program grant period is open. This is a competitive grant program through the USDA Forest Service whereby local governments, qualified nonprofit organizations and Native American tribes are eligible for grants to establish community forests through fee simple acquisition of private forest land from a willing seller.  Continue reading “Grants: community forest & open space conservation”

WAA upcoming fall conference

Wisconsin Arborist Association logo.

Join the Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA) for their fall conference at SentryWorld’s award-winning golf course in Stevens Point, WI on Wednesday, October 23rd. The program committee has put together another excellent lineup for this event. They are offering three tracks of education, two indoors and one outdoors, a little something for everyone.

Continue reading “WAA upcoming fall conference”

September 21 – Urban Forest Fest

The Lynden Sculpture Garden is delighted to be partnering once again with Wisconsin Urban Wood to present Urban Forest Fest 2019. Urban Forest Fest brings together a range of individuals and organizations with an interest in sustainability–and particularly in the fate of the trees that surround us in our urban and suburban neighborhoods. Continue reading “September 21 – Urban Forest Fest”

Arbor Day Foundation now accepting Tree City USA applications!

Wisconsin may be best known for our cheese, lakes and beer, but did you know that we are second in the country for number of Tree City USA communities?! Last year 195 Wisconsin communities achieved Tree City USA status, and those communities are home to nearly 60% of Wisconsinites. Wouldn’t it be something if we were number one in the country this year?! Well, here’s our chance – the application period for Arbor Day Foundation’s (ADF) recognition programs, including Tree City USA and Tree Campus USA, is now open!  Continue reading “Arbor Day Foundation now accepting Tree City USA applications!”