Urban Forestry News

Emerald ash borer new locations in Wisconsin

EAB quarantine map. Counties shaded in tan are quarantined for EAB, and include much of the southern half of Wisconsin, as well as other counties. Areas shaded in green are the townships and municipalities where EAB has actually been identified, and shows that not all counties that are quarantined are fully infested.

EAB quarantine map. Counties shaded in tan are quarantined for EAB, green areas are townships and municipalities where EAB has actually been identified.

Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) continues to be found in new areas. Wisconsin continues to track EAB at the municipality or township level; quarantine counties are shown in tan and infested areas are shown in green on the map.

If you know you have EAB, please contact us with that information so we can verify the infestation and update the maps. If your area:

  • is not shaded in green on the map please contact DNR or
  • is not shaded at all on the map please contact DATCP.

You can reach both agencies from the menu options when you call 1-800-462-2803.

New county quarantines

  • none

New finds in counties already quarantined

  • Brown County — village of Bellevue
  • Door County — village of Egg Harbor
  • Fond du Lac County — village of Rosendale and town of Springvale
  • Vernon County — town of Franklin

Written by: Linda Williams, forest health specialist, Green Bay, (Linda.Williams@wisconsin.gov), 920-662-5172.

UW-Stevens Point students gain real world skills while helping communities

In an attempt to find an avenue to get small communities in the fold of beginning, or better managing their community tree resources DNR Regional Urban Forestry (UF) Coordinator, Don Kissinger, resurrected memories of his college days when he and his classmates were given a computer simulation to react and manage a fictitious community forestry program. Through this attempt the collaboration with UW- Stevens Point Professor Rich Hauer and his senior level Urban Forestry Lab class began.

Continue reading “UW-Stevens Point students gain real world skills while helping communities”

Urban wood used in local art exhibit

The cabinets in your kitchen, your dining room table, floors in your office, and even the paper you write on are all products made from wood. Usually rural wood is used to make the products, but over the past several years a shift has been made, introducing the use of wood from urban areas to make these, and other, products. For example, urban wood has successfully been used in architecture, creating bowls, staircases, tables and now art. Continue reading “Urban wood used in local art exhibit”

Introducing the Wisconsin Arborist Apprenticeship program

The State of Wisconsin is leading the way in the green industry by providing the nation’s first Arborist Apprenticeship Program, which will include plant health care as well as tree care. Currently, there are three private tree care companies who have signed on five apprentices who are learning and developing their skills under the direct guidance of certified and skilled arborists. More employers are needed to support the program and be willing to hire apprentices. Apprenticeship is a proven method in numerous industries and the benefits greatly outweigh the commitment incurred by employees of all sizes. It provides a structured training program for developing safe, skilled and productive employees and workforce. This program brings additional benefits: providing a career pathway for individuals to join, growing individuals within the industry, getting the arborist profession recognized as a skilled trade with the U.S. Department of Labor, and helping our private businesses and municipalities find and retain qualified employees. Continue reading “Introducing the Wisconsin Arborist Apprenticeship program”

Second round of Urban Forestry grants awarded

The DNR Urban Forestry Grant program awarded $86,185.66 to five Wisconsin communities for urban forestry projects during our 2017 second round of funding. In order to ensure a pool of catastrophic storm funds throughout the year, we have switched to awarding grants in two rounds, instead of awarding all of our funds in December. The communities who received grants in April include DeForest, Neillsville, Port Washington, Watertown, and Witting. Continue reading “Second round of Urban Forestry grants awarded”

Wisconsin Community Tree Management Institute

CTMI is a continuing education course specifically tailored to the needs of municipal parks, planning or public works employees who have tree related responsibilities, but do not have a strong background in urban forestry. This training is appropriate for those who manage or contract forestry work, review planting plans, issue permits, or inspect trees. The course focuses heavily on management, rather than the technical aspects of municipal forestry programs. Continue reading “Wisconsin Community Tree Management Institute”

Urban Forestry Consultant Directory – Annual Update

Last year, the format of the DNR’s Urban Forestry Consultants Directory was updated, creating two versions; one searchable by county served and the other, an abbreviated version with companies listed alphabetically.  As the application period for the next round of Urban Forestry Grants is fast approaching, we are seeking updates and additions to the consultants directory.  Continue reading “Urban Forestry Consultant Directory – Annual Update”