The Wisconsin Arborist Association recently created a job board, hosted on their website, to connect businesses and potential employees. These posts showcase available arboriculture positions in Wisconsin listed by region, company name, and are also grouped alphabetically. This webpage provides the opportunity for individuals to search for jobs as well as giving companies a venue for posting openings in their businesses. Continue reading “Consider viewing the WAA job board”
UW-Stevens Point students gain real world skills while helping communities
In an attempt to find an avenue to get small communities in the fold of beginning, or better managing their community tree resources DNR Regional Urban Forestry (UF) Coordinator, Don Kissinger, resurrected memories of his college days when he and his classmates were given a computer simulation to react and manage a fictitious community forestry program. Through this attempt the collaboration with UW- Stevens Point Professor Rich Hauer and his senior level Urban Forestry Lab class began.
Continue reading “UW-Stevens Point students gain real world skills while helping communities”
Introducing the Wisconsin Arborist Apprenticeship program
The State of Wisconsin is leading the way in the green industry by providing the nation’s first Arborist Apprenticeship Program, which will include plant health care as well as tree care. Currently, there are three private tree care companies who have signed on five apprentices who are learning and developing their skills under the direct guidance of certified and skilled arborists. More employers are needed to support the program and be willing to hire apprentices. Apprenticeship is a proven method in numerous industries and the benefits greatly outweigh the commitment incurred by employees of all sizes. It provides a structured training program for developing safe, skilled and productive employees and workforce. This program brings additional benefits: providing a career pathway for individuals to join, growing individuals within the industry, getting the arborist profession recognized as a skilled trade with the U.S. Department of Labor, and helping our private businesses and municipalities find and retain qualified employees. Continue reading “Introducing the Wisconsin Arborist Apprenticeship program”
Wisconsin Urban Wood signs Green Tier Charter
On a Friday in late April Wisconsin Urban Wood celebrated signing a Green Tier Charter. WUW is a network of independent business and nonprofit organizations that promotes the utilization of urban wood. The WUW Charter will provide increased value to Wisconsin by augmenting their current work and increasing collaboration. View the full press release.
New Tree City USA designees
Congratulations to Wisconsin’s newest Tree City USA designees – Gays Mills, Milton, Mukwonago, and Stratford. The Tree City USA program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation and administered in Wisconsin by the DNR, provides communities with a tangible goal and national recognition for their community forestry efforts.
2016 annual report issued
The Division of Forestry annual report highlights a few of our accomplishments in 2016 – including implementing the Good Neighbor Authority, expanding the urban forest inventory and analysis to include all census-defined urban places, rewriting the forest fire reporting system, and more. Photos in the report showcase Division employees at work. In his report introduction, State Forester Fred Souba thanked former State Forester Paul DeLong (who departed at the end of September for a leadership position with American Forest Foundation) and Deputy Darrell Zastrow (who retired at the end of the year) for their legacy of leadership. Find the link to the 2016 report from the Forestry topic page on the DNR Website.
For more information, contact Forestry Outreach Specialist Kirsten Held ( at 608-264-6036.
DNR attends Partners in Community Forestry Conference
The DNR Urban Forestry program sent Laura Lorentz, UF Policy and Partnership Specialist, and Sara Minkoff, UF Specialist, to the annual Partners in Community Forestry Conference convened by the Arbor Day Foundation. Attending this national conference provided Laura and Sara a unique opportunity to meet other urban forestry professionals representing local, state and federal governments as well as non-profit organizations from across the country (and one from the UK!) and share ideas and resources with the goal of enhancing urban and community forestry initiatives in Wisconsin. Some of the sessions they attended included topics such as the role of urban forestry in green infrastructure, environmental justice and equity in urban forestry, development and diversification of the urban forestry workforce, the relationship between urban trees and health, and demonstrated uses of urban forest inventory data to make positive impacts on the ground. Click here to learn more about the Partners in Community Forestry Conference.
For more information contact Ellen Clark (, Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.
Minnesota and Wisconsin share ideas
The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council recently met with their Minnesota counterparts, Minnesota Shade Tree Advisory Committee (MnSTAC) to begin exploring ways to share knowledge and resources and to start building a collaborative relationship. Continue reading “Minnesota and Wisconsin share ideas”
Consider the Community Forest Program
The USDA Forest Service is accepting applications for the Community Forest Program (CFP) and Open Space Conservation Program. Local governments, qualified nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes are eligible to apply for grants to establish community forests through acquisition of private forest land from a willing seller. Eligible lands for grants funded under this program are private forests that are at least five acres in size, suitable to sustain natural vegetation, and at least 75 percent forested. The lands must also be threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. For more information view the notice put out by the U.S. Forest Service.
For more information contact Ellen Clark (, Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.
Nominate individuals for arborist recognition
Every year several awards are presented by the Wisconsin Arborists Association (WAA) to various citizens and partners dedicated to improving Wisconsin’s urban forests and supporting the work of WAA. Wisconsin DNR’s Urban Forestry program is a co-sponsor of their annual meeting/conference each February (bookmark this site and check back for 2017 conference details). Every year WAA presents their awards and nominations at this conference. Nomination Forms are now available. Please return to Randy Krouse by December 16, 2016. Continue reading “Nominate individuals for arborist recognition”