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New zones for Forest Health News updates

The map shows which counties are included in each Forest Health News zone for purposes of monthly news updates, as of March 2017. Subscribers to Forest Health News emails and visitors to this site who are interested in forest health articles for specific parts of the state can refer to the map to check out which forest health zone or region they’d like to read news updates from on this site. If you use tags from the menu bar on the right side of this page to sort articles remember: Forest Health News with statewide relevance is shown with a “Statewide Forest Health” tag and is not included in each zone’s tag.

For more information: Colleen Robinson, forest health educator (Colleen.Robinson@Wisconsin.gov), 608-266-2172.  

Pesticide applicator training (PAT) – newsletter

The University of Wisconsin Extension Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) program produces a newsletter dealing with information relevant to pesticide rules, regulations, certification, testing and more. The newsletter is called PAT CHAT and it comes out quarterly.

If you would like receive notifications of when the Pat Chat Newsletter is available, send an email to join-patprogram@lists.wisc.edu.

Written by: Todd Lanigan, forest health specialist, Eau Claire, (Todd.Lanigan@wisconsin.gov), 715-839-1632.

Are gravel beds right for your community?

Gravel beds, a way of holding bare root trees and extending the bare root planting season, have been growing in popularity, especially in the Midwest. Several municipalities and other organizations throughout Wisconsin have been utilizing gravel beds to plant more trees on tight budgets, diversify plantings, decrease labor and ensure sound, healthy root systems. Hudson and Racine are wonderful examples of the success of gravel beds. Continue reading “Are gravel beds right for your community?”

Innovative nurseries increase species selection

“Plant a tree to thrive, not to simply survive.” Dan Traas, Ranger Service, echoes the sentiment of most arborists and urban foresters’. There are numerous crucial steps in the tree planting process, location, soil type and temperature must all be considered. However, the species of tree chosen may be the utmost central consideration. Continue reading “Innovative nurseries increase species selection”

Conifers provide urban forests many benefits

Trees dressed in tinsel, ornaments and lights are common in households around the world over the holiday season. While conifers are known for decorating homes over holidays there are many other benefits they provide as urban trees in yards and along streets. ISA released an article regarding these benefits. Continue reading “Conifers provide urban forests many benefits”

Consider contract growing this year

Contract growing affords opportunities and benefits for both the nursery and the municipality – species, quantity, quality and diversity – one stop shopping.

Contract growing is a practice whereby municipalities work with nurseries to create a long-term relationship for growing a desired species of tree to very exact standards. As the name implies, a contract is put in place between municipalities and individual nurseries to ensure, in advance, a certain quality, quantity and type of tree will be grown specifically for the municipality. Continue reading “Consider contract growing this year”

Date changed for urban landowner survey

Wisconsin DNR is collaborating with the USDA Forest Service to pilot an urban form of the National Woodland Owner Survey (NWOS), to better understand the people who own and manage our urban forests. The survey is paired with the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, in which data is collected on our urban trees and forest.

The date for the mailing of the Wisconsin Urban Landowner Survey has been changed. The survey will now be mailed Monday, January 9th. This change was made to ensure a viable response rate and avoid conflict with the holiday and hunting seasons. Continue reading “Date changed for urban landowner survey”

Visit new urban forest website

U.S. Forest Service launches new Urban and Community Forest and National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council websites. The sites have been migrated to the Forest Service’s new, modernized web platform, and the information has been streamlined and updated to reflect our community’s contemporary priorities.  We are featuring our partnerships in the slideshow on the main UCF page, including the innovative collaboration and coordination happening with SUFC.  We plan to update our slideshow quarterly.  If you would like the page to feature your partnership, please email Lauren Marshall.